Midget block #49 from Sentimental Stitches |
I was able to finally recut out the pieces for my midget block and plan to work some more on it this evening after the kids go to bed. I should have this one done for a Tiny Tuesday reveal. Now if I can only remember to cut things from the front side of the fabric when making templates for hand piecing. This is midget block #49 from the Sentimental Stitches website. Go on over to
Quilter Kathy's blog and see what others are up to this slow stitching Sunday.
very interesting block design, what will the finished size be? have you made the other 48 blocks? I found your blog via Kathy's Quilts - happy stitching! :)
Wow...those are tiny pieces to hand stitch. Hope it goes OK
Glad you are still plugging away at that one. It will be good to get it done and move on to the next one.
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