Today will be a very busy day of family and fun out at the camp here in Vermont. We are celebrating my parents 50th Anniversary (June 15th) with a little BBQ. Hopefully the daily rain that is causing lots of flooding throughout the state will relent and not drop on us so we can enjoy a fun day splashing in the lake and chatting.
I think I have seen almost all my siblings and nieces and nephews except my sister Jo. She was camping but will be coming out today. Most of the others were out for the 4th of July and last night my brother David and family came out to celebrate a birthday. They brought dinner and the cheesecake for dessert!
G was taken to the airport in a downpour on Friday evening and arrived back home in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday. Hopefully he doesn't enjoy the peace and quiet of the house too much while we are gone! I think he will love that the clean house will be the same when he gets home from work each day.... very different from what he is used to!
Until the rest of the crew gets up and moving this morning, Aidan is eating his breakfast and I am doing a little slow stitching on my orange peels in yellow while looking out at a beautiful calm lake.

I was expecting to be a little chilled at night up here but we seem to be in a hot pattern and it isn't even cooling down too much at night. That might change tonight and maybe I can get a few binding stitches in on the Bricks and Cornerstone quilt.
I'll be hooking up with
Kathys Quilts today - head on over and see what other slow stitching is being worked on this glorious Sunday.
Sounds like a fabulous vacation with family - just my kind. Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy some more!
How wonderful to be together with your family - hope you get some sunshine, or at least the absence of rain!
Sounds very relaxing...so great that you have some hand stitching to enjoy while you visit. Thanks for linking up! Wishing you sunshine :)
Sounds like a great holiday weekend. Wish we were getting some of that rain, we just got back in town and I had to water the garden. The plants prefer the rain, but for now city water will have to do.
Sounds like you are having a great time
Sounds like you're having a fabulous trip so far ... now if you could just get a break from the rain. ;-)
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