I have not made any progress on the hugs and kisses quilt this week. Instead... I got a wee bit sidetracked with hand piecing my trip around the world block in pink. It looked like this to start...
but I did not like the lack of contrast so that middle got picked out and resewn (note to self - don't do that again!) and then I cut and prepped more squares to add to it. Lets just say it was a slow day at work on Friday at the store (pool store in the off season) so I got a lot of hand sewing in on this.
and I got the last four pinks I needed cut and added with the rest of the white last night.
Today I get to make a cat cake and decorate it for Aidan's birthday with family. He turned 7 on Friday and got his tiger badge from boy scouts at their red and gold ceremony that evening.
Dad pinning on the tiger badge |
Aidan and his Tiger troop. |
He picked an easy meal of hot dogs on the grill for lunch with his grandparents (we'll add brats and burgers to the mix with some sides). He loves his birthday guitar... and hopefully he does not drive me too nuts with it! I see some relaxing later this evening with some needle and thread. Head on over and see the other slow stitching at
Kathy's Quilts on Sunday.
The hand piecing looks lovely. Enjoy the birthday celebration! ! :)
I love the pinks it your quilt. They are very soothing to look at. I'm so impressed that you are hand piecing your quilt.
LOVE how your remade pink TATW turned out :) Very nice shades you chose! I am glad you are enjoying it so much. So happy your son enjoyed his birthday.. and he may be talented on that guitar .. you never know! Bet there are lessons he could try out for free on Youtube or something! Good luck with the cat cake.. hope you share it here before it is cut ! :) Kathi
That was neat to see the before and after of the pink fabric change. I was amazed at how much of a difference the switch out made... certainly worth the effort of unstitching!
Love the pink TATW - the result was worth picking out the first attempt! I remember the Tiger Cub days; lots of good Scouting memories.
transplanted to Fl?? I'm a Fl native transplanted to DC! LeeAnna at not afraid of color
I think redoing the middle of the pink block was a good idea! Your TATW blocks look great.
Your new pink block is definitely a winner. It was the right decision to make the change.
Your pink block turned out great! I am using what I call ugly fabrics and fabrics I never seem to want to pull out an use from my old stash. I think my TATW will be called my garbage quilt. But it seems as long as I use something that is highly contrasting to the previous row it all works out! KInd of like God's flower garden!
Wow, great hand piecing. I've never hand pieced anything in my life! Kudos to you!!!!
Isn't that the beauty of hand piecing - you can do it anywhere and it's sure to make the hours slip by unnoticed! I love the way you picked out the middle and re-did it, it was worth the effort it looks great :)
Beautiful blick....I admire your hand piecing. And Happy Birthday to Aidan!
What a terrific birthday meal! The pink block has had a marvellous transformation - the added contrast works really well.
Cat cake? Hope you took a picture to share with us. ;-)
Good job on the re-do on the pink TATW.
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