Happy Birthday Aidan. It seems like just yesterday you were born and we were taking you home from the hospital.
Aidan 1 day old Feb 8, 2008. |
Climbing the slide in Vermont 1.5 years. |
Always wear eye protection - age 2
Age 3 Santas village before moving to Florida |
Age 3 at camp |
Age 4 at the Citrus County Fair. |
Age 5 at Old MacDonolds Farm |
Age 6 walking Buddy Grandma's dog. |
Reading his book last night almost age 7. |
Busy day today. I am working since Aidan wanted Daddy to have lunch with him at school today and has requested Taco Bell for his lunch. He'll also bring in some cupcakes for his class to have after lunch. Tonight is the Boy Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet. He will get his official Tiger Badge tonight. It should be a lot of fun for the boys. He has said he likes it so it sounds like we will be doing scouts again next year for both of them. Next week adds soccer to the mix with free play starting on the 12th and games starting next month. This weekend is attending a friends birthday party on Saturday ( I managed to avoid a friend party for another year =). and then a cookout and cake and ice cream with the grandparents at our house on Sunday. Sure do hope he likes his presents this year - a guitar and some comfy, cuddly pajamas (he asked for the jimmies!).
Come back tomorrow for my first week of playing with Pink scraps.
Happy Birthday Aidan! And Happy Memories Mom! I love looking back on my children's lives especially on their special days. One of our grandsons, Mack (who is 7!) just got a guitar for Christmas. He is taking lessons and loves it. Sounds like your busy life isn't going to change any time soon. Enjoy! ~Jeanne
Happy, happy birthday, Aidan! Thanks for taking us down memory lane with you ... They grow up so quickly, don't they? Be careful, in what will feel like just a few months, he'll be 16!
What a cool way to let your son know he is a star in your life than that wonderful walk down memory lane... and I love that he is a reader! That is wonderful! Thanks for sharing.. hope he enjoyed Dad & Taco Bell & the awards ceremony... What a great birthday week for him! Kathi
Happy Birthday Young Fella!
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