Another crazy week around here. First off - wishing a Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there. Including my hubby Greg, my FIL Tom and my Dad Andy. Very thankful to all of you.
Tom, Aidan and Greg maybe 9 years ago?
My Dad and me last year on the boat in Vermont.
Tom was released from Rehab on Tuesday. Greg's arthritis in his back has been flaring this week but he did manage to go over and get him settled in at home on Tuesday. I gave him a call on Thursday to check on him, but he didn't pick up, so I left a message and called my Mom. He called back while on the phone with my Mom. He was in pain and asked Greg to call his Urologist. The soonest he could get in was Tuesday, but he said if the pain was that bad go to the ER. He asked to go to the ER. No way could Greg do the waiting in those chairs, so I grabbed some things into a busy bag and water and went to pick him up and bring him to the ER. We got there around 2PM. We finally got into an ER room around 6PM..... around 8:30, they decided to admit him. Big kidney stone in the right and small one in the left. His pain indicated left, but I'm wondering if the right is the real issue? We knew he had the stones from his last hospital stay in April, but since it was not bothering, they didn't want to operate. It was 88 degrees when I left the hospital at 8:30 to head home. When I got home around 9:30, the dog was oh so happy I was finally home! The kids indicated, you were gone for a long time. Yup. We headed over Friday afternoon after I was done working and no news as they were still waiting for the Urologist to consult (3:30 in the afternoon!). Saturday, Emily and I were invited to hang out with her riding partner on a Pontoon boat for the day near the springs about an hour north of us for an early birthday celebration. It was hot (car temp hit 100 on the way home in the late afternoon) but a nice day on the water. I'll head over today and see if there is any new on Tom. They are keeping him as comfortable as they can with the pain until they decide what to do. I assume it is a bit to wean off blood thinners before any surgery can happen. So, it is a wait and see on that front. Poor guy was only home for 2 days before landing in the hospital again. Sigh.
Aidan is heading to Grandma's for the day but he doesn't want to drive, so I'll go pick him up later. I need to get some supplies so Emily can make Greg cookies as his requested present.
I am thinking ahead for what to bring with me for handwork for my trip with the kids up to Vermont. I have these EPP for the Brimfield Awakening blocks. I need to make more of the shapes so I can play and see how I will have these end up. I am using some charm packs I got from Craftsy before they stopped selling on there.

Before I got the call on Thursday, Emily was asking about yarn. I had mentioned I was going to bring up some wool yarn and gift it to my niece to make a sweater that I never ended up making. I thought it was green, turns out it is a pretty teal. Then she was asking about yarn, so I kept pulling it out from different bags and containers from all over the room. Emily pulled out her knitting project and started it again with a proper pearl stitch. She plans to work on her afghan in the car on the ride up. She was eyeing other yarns and mentioned socks. I pulled my one blue completed knee sock and found some other sock yarn. I even pulled a book of sock knitting patterns and she expressed some interest. So, some yarns will be heading up to Vermont as well. I will try and gather all the yarns and combine them into one container in the sewing room. Mom likes the crochet tops on hand towels for the kitchen, so I'll be making a bunch to resupply her kitchens.

The dog has been walked, the pool has been cleaned and shocked, the chickens have been fed. Time to grab a few groceries and then the audiobooks will be playing on my phone as I drive all over the place. I'm listening to a Lynn Cahoon mystery series that is free on my Audible. I should be able to get a few stitches in here and there. I also did watch the new Bridgerton release on Netflix Friday night. Note to self, go to bed before 1AM when you need to be up by 7AM the next morning!
Not much progress on the cat and mouse quilt.... but a few strands were added this week.
Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitchers.
Oh my--all kinds of 'busy' things happen at your house--sorry there is another hospital stay for your father in law--hope they can do something to help him--! I see you have been a bit hotter or even more humid there than we have been here--so that is not fun either!!
How long will you be north this year??
keep cool--hugs, diane
What a cute photo of Greg, Aidan, and Grandpa! I bet it's hard to remember when he was that little. I'm so sorry about your trip to the ER! Those long waits there are just the pits - especially when your person is sick or in pain! I hope they find a solution before too much longer. Yarn projects sound perfect for your Vermont trip. When do you go?
I'm so sorry about your father in law in and out of the ER and the hospital is not fun for any of you. I know you had said he doesn't was assisted living but I bet he won't have a choice about it soon. It isn't like he lives just down the block from you - it is hard for you all. Hope all is well soon
It sounds like you have had a busy busy week.I am so sorry to hear about your father in law and having to go to the ER. It sounds like summer has arrived with the heat. It is nice to hear that Emily enjoys knitting; it is a good take along project. Aaah that sweet little cat! Have a great week.
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