Friday, June 7, 2024


Things were scheduled. Aidan had an appointment at 9:50 and the AC guy for the mid year service cleaning was 12-2 arrival time. Greg scheduled his Dad's car at the dealership for 10. I took Aidan to his appointment and then got a call from the AC guy - on his way. What? The appointment was only 5 minutes away, thank goodness. I headed home and got the AC guy started. Aidan had to wait a bit there, until Greg got home and I could go get him. Crazy morning. Since that was done, I headed over with Greg to see his Dad in rehab. Good news, he is being released next week. 

Mid afternoon, and I decided dinner was leftovers. That gave me time to go play in the sewing room for a bit. Anyone else manage to swap blocks around when sewing rows together? These blocks got the applique ones trimmed to 9. 5 inches. Some were a tad small, but I made it work. I found the calculator online for the size to make the setting triangles.

I added some sashing strips and then the setting triangles. I think I will go with a long plain sashing between all the rows and add the corner triangles. We will see if a blue border gets added after that. I think so, but we will see. 

I hope to make some more progress on this one tomorrow afternoon.

A video of the girls. I've been hanging some lettuce in their cage. It is so funny to watch them jump.


Julierose said...

I like the on point setting of your lovely blocks--really neat. ;)))

Sounds like our morning: both of us drive two cars to Honda dealer to have my CRV fixed to pass emissions (!failed 2x--computer glitch=$600 !!) and drive home in other car; waiting for call to both return and drive both cars home again--all on I-95--not my favorite driving at all!! Why does everyone go 85 mph???? Anyway, that is my morning... S I G H
hugs, Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The days can sure get busy! We're retired and the kids are grown, but we still end up with conflicting appointments. Your blue blocks are so pretty set on point like that. I didn't know chickens could jump!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I always enjoy reading about the comings and goings at your house. I liked reading you got some me time with a pedicure and hand soak. You deserve it. These blocks are gorgeous...where do you find the time. Love that layout. I also didn't know chickens could jump...very cute too. Thanks for sharing it all, Deb.


I have heard of 'jumping beans' but jumping chickens???? I am sure it is good exercise for them though!! And you know I love the blue quilt--and your idea for how to put it together is a good one--I am not crazy about doing things on point--but am always glad when I do and how nice they look when done!
Would you believe no rain here--just north of us--last night---even seen some good lightning strikes --but not one drop here--we are 5" below what we should have by now!!!
When you and the kiddo's going north this summer???
hugs, diane

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

too busy - I picked blueberries for a little bit and read!

Pam said...

Beautiful quilt!