Sunday, June 2, 2024


 I got 2 more cats hand quilted this week and I'm on the last one - the top middle one gets the curves. I do like how this one is coming along. 

I didn't mark these as you can tell, the lines are not very straight but I've had cats with unique markings, so I'm going with that theory!
This one got done last night while watching the movie Back to the Future.

The other hand work this week was hand stitching the binding down on the Split nines quilt.

I'll be doing a little hand work on my Pink, Kentucky Derby Table Scraps Challenge entry. It will be a grey horseshoe appliqued onto a pink background. Some simple hand quilting around it and then a little binding for a quick mug rug. We will see how I do!

Emily wants to try adding long layers in her hair to take off some of the weight to see if that helps with her headaches. I also have buttermilk and orange juice that need to get used. I think the buttermilk will become some waffles for the freezer- regular and chocolate. The orange juice might become an orange bundt cake.  Maybe orange chicken? We will see. I'm not an orange juice drinker but needed it for the carnita recipe. 

Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitchers and the RSCRSC.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope Emily's hair cut works out ok. It takes a little to get used to layers but I have always liked them - but of course a pony tail no longer works usually

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your cats are looking great! Hooray for getting them finished up! Do you cut Emily's hair yourself? I hope her idea does help. I vote for the orange bundle cake - yum!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your Cat quilt is adorable and love the split nine quilt. You are staying busy. I hope Emily's haircut will help alleviate some of the headaches. Mmmm great idea on using up the buttermilk and orange juice. Happy Sunday.

Julierose said...

Your kitties are just so darling, Deb; and the quilting lines look great--cat markings are never straight, right? ;)))
When my hair was really long, I used to get headaches, too...the layering should help..
Great menu choices....yum;)))
hugs, Julierose

Bonnie said...

I love your split nines. The colors sing to me.

Jenny said...

Both projects are looking great.