Tuesday, June 4, 2024

RSC in blues for June

I'd like to get another quilt finished off so I went and looked at my Spring UFO list and saw my Ella Maria Deacon blocks in blue from a 2019 sew along with Sentimental Stitches. The challenge was to figure out where they were hiding! I managed to find it in the 4th box I checked. Not too bad!
While digging, I found all the printouts for the 1857 quilt along - that one is a pretty purple and green top waiting on quilting. I also found this pretty extra blue dresden block. It is not a watermelon, but I think I'll finish it off this month for the TSC entry. 

I was pulling out blocks and laid them out. I noticed that there was a block under that light blue one on the bottom row so swapped out one in the top row.

That was a heck of a block to piece so it must be added.

With one off to the side..... I realized I have 25 blocks - so 5 rows of 5! I didn't need to add any more blocks. Yea! I had hand pieced each of these blocks and then got waylaid on the project and it got put aside. There were a lot more blocks, but I'm stopping at 25 and will finish it off. Now to make some decisions. Sigh.

Sashing's and cornerstones? Try and set it on an angle, I do have one extra block? Not all are the same exact size, so it will be a little fudging as I sew them into a top. I'll let it sit for a day and we will see if any of the blocks want to be in a different spot or not. I'll tackle the sewing into a top Wednesday and Thursday.


Chris said...

Yay! I have mine up on the design wall right now to work on this month for the Chjookshed Challenge. I still need about a dozen to finish it off. If you do yours on point with the sashing and corner triangels, it will finish off bigger and be more interesting. I did not do that heck of a block. It was too much for me.

Julierose said...

What beautiful hand pieced blocks--I remember when you were working on these...
They look beautiful...hugs, Julierose


It looks like you have put alot of work in those pretty blue blocks--glad you remembered it and found it--be waiting to see how you finish it--
hugs, diane

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

by time I get back to my RSC quilts I will have lost 3 months worth - I guess I will be working into next year on mine! Love your blues.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Lots of interesting blocks in that collection! They look like the perfect blocks to work on in the blue month of June. I see another finished quilt in your near future!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

These blocks are beautiful, Deb. I look forward to seeing how you decide to set them. Happy quilting Hugs.