Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mid week check in

 I have today off from work! I still got up early and walked the Dog before it got too hot and before the rain started. He was a happy camper.

Yesterday, FIL was released from the hospital. They told him originally to home.... we had to question that and once the nurse looked at his last PT from Sunday... before his surgery, she helped us get him to realize he needed to go back to rehab. No way he can deal with the catheter or have the strength to care for himself properly yet. We were able to get him in one a little closer to us and it is really nice. Hopefully after he does PT and OT today he will realize it was the correct choice. He is not a happy camper but that is life. I might have been the bad guy in the mix with the help of the nurses and care team there.

I was able to get a little hand quilting in last night while watching the Oilers win (the boy was oh so happy as he picked them as his team the beginning of the season to win the cup!) We will see as they are down in the series.  

I just realized I have the leaves going different directions... so I guess it will be a mix and not consistent in the sashing =). I am using my needle minder for the circle in the cornerstones. A leaf shape for the sashing. Stick chalk for marking.

I ordered new ink for the printer in my office, so now I can print out the heart designs from Melissa at Pinker n Pinkin Quilting and Stitching for some hand work to take with me up north. I know, I'm going to pack 100 projects and we will see if I actually work on any of them! We are heading out Sunday morning, so I still have time to add more projects to the go-to bag! It helps we are driving... so I have plenty of room in the car =). We are slated to return home July 10... as I have an appointment scheduled July 11. 


Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Deb, I love that hand stitched leaves border. Direction doesn't matter in the end.
It's very tough and hard for folks to accept physical limitations. I think I will be sensible and compliant at listening to good advice, hope so anyway. So far my hubby has been pretty good in that department thankfully, though still insisting on driving. That might become an issue soon. Have a great getaway now and it's always good to have too many choices rather than not enough.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's hard to have to be the bad guy in the healthcare decisions when the patient doesn't really see things clearly. That has happened multiple times with my mom. It's hard on everyone when there are so many health issues, one right after the other. I think your quilting looks great! You're making good progress on that one. Definitely take more projects than you can expect to work on - at least you know you won't run out, lol!