Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday ....

I think I took this photo a couple of days ago. He lifted his head while I grabbed my camera but put it back for the photo.

When I say we didn't get damage, this is what the back yard looked like before Aidan picked it up yesterday. Just leaves and small branches. We were very lucky. He has a nice stack of limbs and leaves in the fire pit.

We need to order a new tarp for shade for the girls. It got a little shredded from Helene. They were happy for some nibble seeds in this photo.

Emily was able to go to horses today instead of tomorrow. This is what I saw when I got home with her. The boy was doing the lawn.

I started on the triangle of cheese border last night. I feel much better after a good nights sleep. 

My MIL is still without power. Gas is still sparce, but the crew she hired had it looking great again in a few hours.  Traffic is terrible heading south, everyone heading back to their homes. Other than Greg taking Emily to horses across town today and me picking her up, we have stayed off the roads. She got to have barn time and helped groom the horses, give them some love and hung out with Kyra who she rides with. They also did their lesson today, since Lori needed to head to Winter Springs to help her Mom. She is mid-80's and just got her power back on, but the sewage is backing up in her house. Yuck. We warned her the Turnpike is closed southbound where things washed out... turns out that is the exit she gets off from but it will be a nightmare with detours! The girls had barn time from a little after 9AM until 2:30. They got all the animals brushed, fed and back out to the pastures. Loved up on the sheep that were hanging out there through the hurricane and the donkeys. I'm sure the 2 barn cats got attention as well. 

The kids complained (Aidan specifically) about my meals this week. Seems they were not happy. Monday was roasted veggie and italian sausage with penne pasta (zucchini, peppers, mushrooms and onion) with garlic bread. Tuesday, I warmed up a frozen bag of brisket and some baked potato. Wednesday I think they were on their own. Last night I made taco meat and fixings for a salad, with a taco salad for Emily (bottom layer is creamcheese/sour cream mixture, then strained salsa, onion, tomato, lettuce, mozzarella, black olives) eaten with chips. Friday is order pizza night. They will like that at least.

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