Emily requested banana muffins...and can we add nuts like Publix does? I guess Grandma purchases muffins for them =). She is scooping batter into muffin tins now to bake off for breakfast.
I'll get a little slow stitching in on an Ella Maria Deacon block while it bakes. This is block #23 that I am piecing by hand. Instead of the broderie perse I will either add applique or embroidery to the middle. Some sort of a flower I think for applique or a cute embroidery of a pin cushion I printed off last fall from JacquelynneSteves.com.
I think this was car line work on Friday progress after cutting it out before getting Emily from school. I believe I marked them in her car line.

I did finish a dish cloth for one of my bowling friends this week. Does that count? Those ends need to get woven in.
Later tonight after picking up the boy from Grandma, maybe I can sneak into my bedroom for an hour and add some hand quilting into the trip quilt. It sadly has had no progress this week. Something about realizing I would be having to take over cookie control and having to train myself on the system and how to do things took up my evenings.
Linking up with the other Slow Sunday Stitchers who might actually listen to the slow down part! At least my girl scout meeting is all set for tomorrow - working on the brownie painting badge! We did the junior drawing badge in our last meeting with lots of different mediums. We will see what they all decide to paint on Monday. I have 8x10 stretched canvas, brushes and paints and pencils to sketch out their drawings first.
it sounds like girl scout cookies takes a lot of time! Florida does sound chilly this winter
Ah the joys of being in charge of cookie selling. It reminds me of my PTA days. That block looks complicated to hand stitch. I would have to be using my machine. I like the idea of something embroidered or appliqued in the middle square. I hope you get to do some hand-quilting.
What a good Mom and GS Leader you are, Deb!! How did Em do toward reaching her goal? Here's hoping you manage to get a good bit of stitching in.
Great projects, glad the weather was better for GS cookies!
Darning in ends definitely counts! Jacquelyn steves last project, happy little things, had four lovely flower motifs that I embroidered in red work. She has some lovely designs and I like that idea too!
You are so organized to have car line stitching all ready to go! How much l8nger does cookie season last?
Oh yes.... the good old days of girl scout cookies... I remember it well!
Hope you get some time to do some hand stitching today!
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