Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 Trying a new recipe tonight. This is one that Emily sent me a while ago and her friend Jasilynn recommends it. It is Ropa Vieja and I went to Sam's to pick up a chuck roast on Monday night just for this meal. I had to pop out at lunch to grab onions and peppers for it. I might have taken a little longer lunch... but I did get my 5 hours in at work today still! I have it in the oven cooking this afternoon and the house does smell nice. Since it is a Cuban inspired meal, we'll have rice and black beans with it and a salad. Who am I kidding, I'm the only one that would eat the salad! Maybe I'll pop out and get a pedicure and pick up some Cuban bread and plantains for a side instead. The pedicure was wonderful and the hands got a paraffin wax treatment. So soft now. I only picked up the Cuban bread at the store. The rice is in the quick cooker and this is bubbling down. I didn't add the roasted red peppers and pimento's as I didn't have them. I did add the olives and capers. It is yummy.

I got a little quilting in on the last cat last night while watching the last few episodes of Derry Girls. It should finish off tonight. I also decided on what to do in the sashing and cornerstones. I found a little leaf shape in one of my containers and 4 of them will play nicely in the sashing and one in the cornerstones. Sometimes deciding on the motif is the hardest part!

The girls got over whatever had them not laying for a couple of weeks. I think it was the noise as they were building a house diagonal to us. We got 4 eggs yesterday and 4 so far today. I think one snuck in from the previous day... as the rack for the eggs on the shelf is full! Might it be time to make another ice cream custard? We will see.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The Ropa Vieja sounds yummy! Hope everyone enjoyed dinner. Your blue cat looks great - I like how you're orienting the curved lines of quilting!

Julierose said...

I think those little leafy shapes will e so pretty with your kitties...
your recipe sounds really good...hugs, Julierose

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I so enjoy food talk, Deb. This sounds so delicious to me. I want to make it. Very cute video. Your girls are rewarding you well for the great treatment your are giving them.