Saturday, October 12, 2024

Weekend update

 I have been making progress on the second border of the cat and mice quilt. The triangles of cheese are tempting the mice and I'm nearly done 2 sides. It was nice quilting last night to a Lightning hockey game. I splurged this year and got Fubu which states it carries the local hockey games on Bally sports. I'm trying it out for a weekly trial to see. There are games Tuesday and Thursday so we will see.

I was able to get 7 of the potato chip blocks sewn up today before the bobbin ran out. I took that as a sign to be done for the day. This is the amount of parts left, so more will need to get cut out and prepped for more blocks - especially the lights. 

The 8th block was in progress. I select 2 colored ones for the middle, then 6 for the lights. Two sets of 2 colors and two sets of 3 colors to finish off the block. I try to get a little of each color in each block. This one has dark blue and orange in the middle. The sets of 2 - purple and green; red and yellow. The sets of 3 - teal, red, green and medium blue, brown and pink. I have 10 blocks to go before the quilt will hopefully be happy with a 7x6 setting of the 12 inch blocks. (72x84). I fear it might be unhappy with that size as well and want to be bigger. Stubborn quilt.

Linking up with the RSC on Saturday and Slow Sunday Stitching.

Greg and I headed over to see his Dad in rehab today. I guess Greg did not call Tuesday like I thought, and Tom was unaware of why we did not stop in Thursday. He knew kids were out of school (from the staff) but did not put that together with the Hurricane and why we didn't go over until today. His house was fine, and the power was back on. We put the storm shutters up and verified the AC was functioning and reset his clocks from the power loss. We will find out on Wednesday about his release date, but he appears to be strong enough to be going home very soon. There were lots of limbs and branches piled up on the side of the road for pick up and lots of gas stations without gas. I was very happy to have a full tank of gas in my car and the truck. One gas jug went to the lawn mower and if the stations near us are without gas, the other one will go in the kids car to get to school on Monday. 
Lets hope that is the end of storms for us this
My MIL got her power back on last night and did a happy dance. The clean up crew was also able to finish up her yard in a few hours late afternoon, so she is one very happy lady. I'll bet she is tossing the fridge and freezer but all in all is in good shape.


Sue said...

Your chips are so bright & cheery!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your potato chip blocks are looking good! Glad your FiL is doing so well, and hope he can go home soon. Hope you get in some stitching on the cat and mouse quilt with a hockey game on very soon!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad to hear all is well on your end from the storms - it is good to get back to normal I'm sure although for a lot of people there is a long way to go - it pays to not live close to the beach doesn't it!!

Julierose said...

Yes, let's hope that the storms have finished with your State!! Glad that you and yours came through okay;)))
Your potato chip blocks are so colorful--i guess it's true :"you can't just make one" hahaha
Enjoy what's left of this holiday weekend...hugs, Julierose

Karla (ThreadBndr) said...

love the 'cheese quilting', it made me smile. Good news on the storm front. Glad you are all able to be get everything squared away.

Angela said...

Such fun blocks!

Karrin Hurd said...

Love making those potato chip blocks!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is good to hear that your FIL is doing better and may be released soon. I am also glad to hear that you and your family are safe after all of the storms. Your potato chip blocks are just gorgeous. Don't you just hate it when you run out of thread on a bobbin right when you have a good rhythm going. Enjoy your week.

CathieJ said...

I like how you are quilting those cheese wedges in the border. Your potato chip blocks look great! I'm glad that your FIL is doing better and that MIL got power back. My daughter and her husband are looking to get rid of FUBO as the company recently cut most of the stations that they enjoy watching.