Friday, April 19, 2024

Another week of chaos...

 Well, not really. Just a little out of the norm. The boy was away at a Skills USA competition from Sunday to Wednesday. It was a great learning experience and he enjoyed himself and had a lot of fun. The girl enjoyed sleeping in a bit in the morning. Normally, they leave the house at 7:20 to get to school for Aidan's 8AM (zero period) class. She instead left the house around 8 and got there for 9AM school start time. (morning traffic is a bear). 

Wednesday night Emily and I had a GS planning meeting. Thursday morning the phone rang at 6AM with my FIL's name calling. Hubby jumped out of bed, got dressed and drove to his Dad's (40 minutes away) and got him and went to the ER. Itching all over and not able to sleep. After a full day in the ER - 7AM-5PM they admitted him. Turns out it was bad functioning kidneys, a really bad UTI and low hemoglobin count. Again. We did this a couple of months ago but caught it a bit sooner this time. They were waiting on the antibiotic script to be filled when hubby left around noon today to come home. 

I have not had much motivation this week. I did add some chip blocks. There are 6 now.

Thursday, I took the kids to school and then stopped to pick blueberries since the field we go to is a couple of miles from their school. It was also cooler in the morning - it has been getting close to 90 degrees the last couple of days. I picked for about 30 minutes and got $16 worth of berries. We don't count second breakfast of all the ones I 'tested' while picking!  Probably 4-5 pounds worth? It filled a big sheet pan (half the stove top) with a double layer of big yummy blueberries. I also got to ride today - Goody this time. 

This guy has been hanging around the front lawn... and sometimes torments the dog while sitting on the side lawn in front of the window/door the dog looks out while I am working. Aidan said there are baby bunnies around, but I have yet to see them.

Hopefully I can get a little yellow stitching in this weekend. I need some Arkansas Traveller and chicken blocks. I do have one yellow string of beads prepped as well.


a good yarn said...

Nasty scare with your FIL but hopefully he’s on the mend. They go down so quickly at that age. At the supermarket this week - 125g (4.5 oz) blueberries for $7.00. $55 for just over two pounds. Won’t be buying them this week. A wee bit envious that you can go pick your own.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I will love when my blueberries are ready to pick - first year I didn't expect a lot but a couple of the bushes are loaded.
Sorry about the FIL that is a long drive - your husband should tell him to call an ambulance and he will meet him at the hospital

Julierose said...

You are having busy times there!! Not long until school vacation time and maybe
then you can find more sewing time? Hope so--I love your projects and seeing them grow;))) hugs, Julierose

scraphappy said...

Always so scary to get woken up in the middle of the night. Glad they were able to get if figured out and treated. A little time at the sewing machine sounds like a nice change after all that running around.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Busy times! I'm sorry about your FIL - hope he is better now. Those blueberries look yummy - I would be eating a lot of them, too. I really like your potato chip blocks in those happy colors, and I see they're making a pinwheel where you put them together!

Ray and Jeanne said...

Love your potato chip blocks. I've made a few without the lighter ring - hope I'll like the quilt. I think the lighter ring adds a neat design to the quilt. Your blueberries look so yummy!!! ~Jeanne