Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 Another week of crazy...... kids this time! It is getting to be the end of school with all the end of school crazy. Testing started this week - AICE, florida and county. Way too much testing!

It has been double pick up's so far this week. Monday was a normal for Aidan and Emily stayed late for her spring concert. That meant, I needed to get dinner made and eaten before Grandma arrived around 5ish to get to school for the 6PM concert. The Jazz band played for about 30 minutes then the Symphonic band did their pieces which was about 30 minutes. They play in the cafeteria area, so that needed to be reset. Parents help with putting away the chairs and help get the things back to the band room - mostly the percussion as there is a lot of it! The girl has been sniffly again and I'm sure it is allergies and stress. 

Tuesday, I was planning an early walk of the dog then go for my bloodwork... but hubby reminded me the Truck needs a new battery, so a quick shower instead and then I took the kids to school then did my bloodwork. A few errands happened (allergy meds, Lactaid pills and tuna packets for Aidan's lunches) and then it was home to log into work. A trip to get the girl kid and bring her home at normal time. Then back to get the boy kid from his after school study review with the teacher. About half of each of her 3 classes showed up for the review. He came out a little after 4:30. I had to feed them.... and managed to empty the freezer part of the fridge. It is iced over... again and LOUD. So, it needs to be taken apart and get the frozen ice off the wires. This is an every 6 month occurrence with this stupid fridge. Aidan was able to take it apart for me, so I am on tap to hit it with the hair dryer now that dinner is done.

Oh, the truck did get a new battery today. Hubby took care of that.

Just a day in the life..... off to go ring out the towels and put the hair dryer to work on the ice jam.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my ice maker has done that once where I had to use a hair dryer on it and hasn't happened since but now and then no ice gets made and we have to turn it on and off and then sometimes a second time and next day there will be some ice - weird - sometimes I'm almost ready to go back to ice cube trays or get a bag of ice every couple of days!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Phew - such a busy time! Sending you good thoughts and a big quilty hug!

Chris said...

Your week sounds like a normal week around here, except we do not have to log in to work since we are retried.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your week is off to its' usual hectic start, Deb. Good luck with the thawing. I recall having to do a similar thing many moons ago.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Oh, goodness, Deb! That sounds like a VERY full day. Best of luck with all the back and forth this time of year provides for parents with who aren't driving yet!