Sunday, April 28, 2024

What a week....


Sadly, there was only a little stitching added to this cat this week. 

Monday, my FIL had a procedure to remove one of the kidney stones. When Greg arrived there late Tuesday morning they indicated he would be released that day. By 5PM and no paperwork, Greg had to go to the doctors boss's boss. My FIL chose no rehab, thinking he was ok. Later that evening when he tried to get dressed to go home, seems he was unable to dress himself! Sigh. It was too late at that point as he was discharged and everything was closed. Hubby had a long night with him, and it was a challenge to get him into the house and settled for the night. I went over directly after dropping the kids to school. He was able to contact the rehab facility he had been in before and they worked with the hospital to do the paperwork and get it covered by insurance. They we able to take him that afternoon by 4PM. Hubby got home after 5PM and crashed. His back has been painful ever since, as he had to help his Dad a bunch. 
Thursday I got some much needed horse time with Goody. 

Saturday Emily got her riding lesson. She tried a new horse as the instructor had not used him yet and was curious how he would do. He made Emily work a bit to get him to do what she wanted but he did a nice walk, trot and cantor.... or rather a walk, lope and jog since she was in a western saddle.

Instead of stitching I was reading. This one needs to get returned to the library, so I finished it last night. Cats do not make a good window while trying to read! Peanut kept trying to get on the book, silly cat. I also listened to an audiobook series by Vicki Delany about a Tea shop as a cozy mystery series.

I have been doing lots of house searching online, but we still have not gotten an offer on the house. We did hire lawyers for the process with the county though. They are expanding the road next to our house, from a standard 2 lane road to a 4 lane road with median divided and will be taking our property to do it. We have a 4 bedroom, 2 bath on 1.5 acres. I guess I really need to modify my search to include an in-law space as I really don't think FIL is able to live by himself without supervision. Hubby and I went to visit him at Rehab Saturday afternoon. He looked even weaker to me, but we did wake him from an afternoon nap. We will see how long they think it will take to get him stronger. 
I have yet to do any of my yellow sewing for the month and I hear May is all about pink. 
I'd better get busy doing some stuffed animal surgery for the Dog as I see a pile of his animals stacked up needing some stitching to keep the stuffing inside.
Lets see if I can get those handled before I head to pick up the boy from Grandma's house.



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you have a lot going on not surprising that you didn't get stitching done. It is hard to deal with elderly parents at time - can he not move into an assisted care facility?

Julierose said...

My gosh, you do have a really full plate these days!! So sorry to hear about your FIL's med issues--not easy. I hope everything settles down soon; and looking for a house is so hard these days; my daughter just went through that process--so I get it!! Good luck on that score.
I like the little quilting on the kitty--looks good...hugs, Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That does sound like a tough week, especially with what's going on with your FIL. So frustrating when the hospital takes so long with the discharge, and then to let him go without rehab when it sounds like he's very weak. Caring for your elderly parent is so hard - I know what Greg is going through. I'm so sorry he got hurt himself while trying to help his dad. It does sound like Dad needs a different living arrangement. I love the Women's Murder Club books - they're a good escape from real life!

The Joyful Quilter said...

With FIL in and out of that hospital, DH hurting his back AGAIN, and the house stuff on top of work and schlepping the kids, it's not surprising that you only had the energy to escape into a book! Hoping this week is a little calmer for you, Deb. The quilting will still be there once things finally settle down!