Friday, August 16, 2024

A quick little quilt?

 So, you ever just need to make something new? I've had this charm pack of Breakfast at Tiffany's for ages. I flipped through Back to Charm School and decided to make this cover quilt with it. I had the squares all paired off on Monday, sewed them a little on Thursday and then got it to a top today. I hope to finish it off with a little machine quilting and binding this weekend. It has shades of orange in it! I had snitched a couple of fabrics from it, so I added a few browns and a couple of lights.

I finally figured out why I have not been reading actual books... because I need to wear some 'helper' glasses when I do! Sigh. I finally put them by my recliner and read this book over the last couple of days. It was really interesting, and I'll try a few of the tricks and see if it helps with energy, mood and maybe loose a few pounds? One can hope. I have to thank Jocelyn at Canadian Needle Nana for mentioning it in one or her posts this spring.

Linking up on Saturday with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.



Isn't it fun and a good feeling when you finally use some fabric that you have had for while--looks good!!
I just might have to find me a copy of that book--
hugs, di

Chantal said...

You made a cute orange mini quilt. Just lovely! ;^)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry you have to wear glasses now to read - sometimes we tend to hang on to little packages of charm squares for awhile until we can figure out what to use it for

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, that's cute! Glad you had a chance to just sew something up like that. I have definitely had that "just have to make it" impulse! I've worn glasses since I was in 3rd grade, but hubby had to start with reading glasses in about his mid 40s. Oh well!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I trust you put those "borrowed" fabrics to good use. The browns look chosen for the quilt.

a good yarn said...

That’s a terrific project for your charm pack. I still haven’t finished my Breakfast at Tiffany’s project. Trying to find a fabric for the borders.