Saturday, August 31, 2024

A small finish.


I got this 24x24 small quilt quilted and bound this week. It feels so good to have a finish... and there is even orange in the quilt! 

My niece sent me a photo of Owen on his quilt Friday. He sure looks like a happy baby. His Momma sure was a happy one, I got to baby sit her a lot when she was little. Sigh, she's 31 now! My how time fly's. Both parents are red heads, so we will see what color pops out! Love how you can see the orange. I saw a First Dinosaur book when I was packing it up for shipping so I popped that in with the quilt. It went well with the dino quilt I think. 

I finally got my stand up popcorn popper (8 ounce bucket) sold and off to it's new owner today. Out of my house makes me so happy. I had to figure out Venmo and load it on my phone. All set and time to go take photo's of the next things to get rid of. Futon, Emily's old desk and a couple of tables. As more houses are being purchased and torn down along our stretch of road, I am getting more serious about clearing out and tossing things that don't need to be moved once we finally get an offer on the house (new road will be going through our house) so I have less to pack and move. Sewing room is excluded of course!


a good yarn said...

Owen looks like he loves his new quilt. The small quilt is so sweet. It’s good to offload things you don’t need anymore.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's such a pretty little quilt! Nice finish, Deb. And such a cute baby photo on the quilt you made, too. I can't believe you have to leave your home because of road construction! Are you expecting an offer from the city? I hope it is comparable with the market for homes your area.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

of course the sewing room is excluded!! The baby and quilt are so cute!!