Friday, August 9, 2024

RSC Saturday

 Well, it is very scrappy and there is orange in each block. I added 4 more of these potato chip blocks this week. I think I'll do 3 more for a 4x5 setting. I'm planning to add some extra backing to the sides and top and bottom to make it a backing size for the Christmas Cactus Wreath quilt (60x60).  I seem to have used that prepped backing for the baby quilt that I did finish hand stitching the binding on. I just need to make and attach the label and ship it out to it's new 3 old owner next week. Some of the dinosaurs and solid blue, red, orange and green landed in my scrap piles for the blocks I added this week. I'm thinking by finishing up these blocks into a backing, and getting the Christmas Cactus Quilt quilted, I can knock off 2 finishes for my quarterly UFO list. I have not done much sewing the last few months (life) so it will be nice to cross a couple things off the list.

The girl has had band camp in the evenings this week. They did a little show of what they have been working on for the last 2 weeks with their music for the half time show, some marching steps and then some stand music for playing at the football games. They did 8 hour day's last week and 3 hour evenings this week. Still a wee bit hot out - as it is 87 degrees at almost 9PM tonight. Thankfully we were mostly in the cafeteria, which had the AC working. 

Their orientation at school was Thursday evening and I walked through with Aidan this year and met his teachers. I went with Emily last year... and she was an early drop off so the band could play at the earlier Freshman orientation, and she did not want Mom going around with her this year. Ms. Independent. I did get to meet a few of her teachers, as both kids have 3 teachers in common this year. Aidan only has 1 new teacher that he has never had with his 7 classes. He was quite pleased with his schedule and has friends in a bunch of his classes. He has assured Emily she has a good schedule with the good teachers. We will go gather the school supplies they need tomorrow and new lunch bags. They each already got their new backpacks. They were both due for new ones as it had been a few years. We just need to fill out the parking permit and then pay the fee and Aidan will be driving them both to school in the mornings. They both have a zero period class this year - so their start time is one hour earlier at 7:30. I don't think Greg will miss doing the early morning drop to school this year! 

I saw this pretty butterfly in the back yard and snapped a photo since it is an orange month.

There was a beautiful sunset one of the evenings on the way home from band practice, so I had Emily use my phone to snap some photo's as I drove. These have orange in them as well! 

Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge on Saturday. Hopefully I can get a little orange sewing in on my RSC monthly blocks today since there is no horses for a couple of weeks.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

both in high school now? independence for sure

Julierose said...

Boy, back to school already!! Our college bound grands are on their way back too. Summer seems so much shorter these days for school pupils...For us, it was always after Labor Day...
Nice photo of Emily with her clarinet...
Your potato chip piece is looking good with those pops of orange..
Hugs, Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

The Spud Chip quilt is coming along nicely, Deb. Congrats on ditching the AM school drop-off this year because it's worth every penny of the parking fee!! Thanks for sharing those lovely ORANGE photos.

Sara said...

The beginning of a new school year - so exciting and open to new things. Your potato chip blocks look great.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

So hard to believe it's time for school to start already! Won't it be different for you guys to have Aidan driving them to school this year?! Love your potato chip blocks and idea to make them into a pieced backing, too. Then your quilt will be reversible!

grammajudyb said...

I always love to catch up with your family. It’s been a longtime since mine weren’t in high school! Always old to have a driver. We lived out of town, our kids rode the bus! Much to their chagrin!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I had a little laugh when I read you included a scrap of orange in each potato chip block. Great way to fulfill the challenge, while also making what you want to make. That sunset is truly glorious.

Sue said...

The Potato Chips look yummy (pardon the pun). LOL And is it school time already? Sheesh, August just started. (eye roll)

a good yarn said...

Your high schools seem so different to ours. The quilt is coming along nicely too. Pretty sunset.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

So fun that you used orange in every block! It's coming along nicely!!

Debra said...

Wonderful quilt. Also the sunset. This summer is flying by! Happy sewing.

maggie fellow said...

I've seen those blocks around - yours look great gathered together - our children grow up so fast

scraphappy said...

I don't know how it is possible that the kids will be driving themselves to school this year! It is great that they are enjoying the new school year. Be careful, they will be out of the house before you know it!