Thursday, August 1, 2024

Photo's from Vermont

 I got home around 12:20 AM with no issues. There were severe storms predicted in Vermont but the areas where my family lives were spared this time. They have been getting hit repeatedly with lots of rain and it is taking out roads and bridges all over the state. Monday was the St. Johnsbury and Lyndon areas in the northeast kingdom of Vermont. Thankfully my sister was able to get to me at camp and deliver me to the airport just fine yesterday afternoon. The car temp read 86 degrees at 11PM when I found it in the lot. Welcome back to Florida with that temp!

Emily had gone in early to band camp this morning so the woodwinds could practice outside before it got sweltering, so Greg was home before 8AM. The dog was whining at my door at 7AM wanting a walk. He was a happy camper when I got up and dressed and took him. The cats were happy I was home with Ollie sleeping on the end of the bed and Peanut was curled up next to me all night (once I kicked him off me!)

I did not bring my personal computer with me this time, so I only had my phone. This is a photo heavy post as it is much easier to do on the computer!

I did finish the second towel top in blue and knitted a dish cloth. I forgot to get photos though. I left knitting needles and the big cone of sugar n cream yarn up there with towels and crochet hook and yarn for those as well. We are flying up next time I think so I figured it would be easier to leave stuff there. I also left a small cutting mat and a sewing kit with all the necessary things that I got at Aldi this year for $5. threads, pins, needles, threader, thimble, pin cushion, scissors, seam ripper and pins and buttons. 

Sunday my sisters were out at camp and we went on a boat ride. This is my older sisters - Joanne sitting and me in the middle and Terri. They are 6 and 7 years older than me.

My sister got this great photo of one of the loons. I decided my phone (camera) really needed updating after seeing her great shot. Mine was blurry and could not get this detail being 6 years old. I mentioned the phone to Greg, and it was by my recliner when I got home! =) he is a keeper. I had a Galaxy 9 and now have a Galaxy 22 Ultra. (well, once I swap the SIM card.)

This is the ladies. Joanne, Terri, Mom and me. I guess I should get a hair cut and maybe color some of that grey as I look older than them!

On a walk last week I was snapping some pretty flower photo's along the roadside. It is on a dirt road and so pretty. I love seeing the wildflowers in the summer.

These have a pod that when you press it, it pops. We called them Johnny jump ups? Not sure of their real name.

bee on a clover. The state flower.

It was an overcast day, this is looking back at the mountain at my turn around point.


Love these pretty bright yellow flowers.

Taken yesterday afternoon on my last paddle before I got picked up for the airport. 
When I left, my parents were doing well. Dad's bleeding had been stopped for 2 nights and they were both back to a normal routine for them. So glad I was up there to help out with all the night time issues and cleaning up all the blood from the pillows, pillow cases, towels and sheets from his uncontrolled mouth bleeding. Oxyclean spray is an amazing thing! The Plavix must be out of his system now and things are back to normal. 
I suppose I need to check and see what things are in the house for meals and restock as needed.
A little hand stitching on the baby quilt and maybe some RSC sewing will happen. I am a few months behind on things. 


Julierose said...

Sounds like you had a productive-- and time for some fun too-- trip.
glad to hear your dad is on the road to normalcy now. That must make you feel a lot better! Tom and I are on the opposite side of your journey--we are the aging parents!! but hanging in here--we are both starting to feel better at long last...hugs, Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Looks like it was another beautiful week up there, and so glad your dad is so much better! I bet it was nice to spend some time with your sisters, too. Have fun with your new phone!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad your dad was doing better by time you left. I assume they don't stay at camp by themselves anymore with all the health issues it sounds a little isolated.


Glad you are home again and that you had a safe and fun trip this time--and really glad that Dad is doing better--
Now time to get back to work--!!!
So what project is first???
hugs, di

Ray and Jeanne said...

Glad things seem to be returning to normal. It's hard living away from one's parents when they can use your help. I'm glad you are able to get to Vermont every so often. I enjoy your photos. ~Jeanne