Sunday, July 28, 2024

Slow Sunday in Vermont

 I am so happy to be in Vermont with cool nights for sleeping.

I left a bag of things here for crochet and knitting a few weeks ago.

I started a dish cloth with the big sugar 
n cream yarn.

One towel has a top needing a button attached.  I'll do that today and add a blue top to the other one.

The work crew was out yesterday and the deck that gave way on the 4th, has been repaired. My brother in law, nephew and brothers did that yesterday. My sisters are coming put today. Dad was only up once last night with bleeding from his mouth... much better than 2-4 times in a night. 
Linking up with Kathy and the slow Sunday stitches. 
Time for a shower, before a kayak paddle on the lake.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your towel topper project looks perfect for up at camp! Love the view there. Is there any solution to your dad's bleeding issue? It sounds uncomfortable and I bet he's tired of it! So nice, though, that everyone's there to help out.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope your father improves soon - are you there much longer to help your parents out before it is back to hot Florida

Julierose said...

Hoping your Father feels better very soon, Deb. Good that the deck has been fixed...nice that you have some hand work with you...
[I do so wish this thrush would go away...I am going to take a 2nd dose of meds tomorrow--it is STILL with me!!] We are due for some rain overnight and hoping that it would cool down and not be so humid!! Hugs, Julierose