Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Back home to crazy temps and humidity with heat warnings.....

 Photo overload. Sorry! We left Vermont Monday mid morning since the kids wanted to go back to Lui Lui's in West Lebanon for lunch. They have the best rolls with herbed oil to dip it in! They thought I was nuts to suggest going there on the way up... but liked it so much they wanted to hit it again as we left. Always trust Mom! My Dad was released from the hospital to home on Monday evening. He is doing great and back to his normal self. My FIL is still in Rehab. I would have thought he would be home by now...I'll go see him soon and see what is up with that.

I snapped this photo last night. Emily has been working on knitting a blanket. She figured out the stitch that was causing her issues and has made great progress on it. She was working on it in the car on the way up and back.

We did a steam train ride in Strasburg PA on Tuesday. It was pretty neat seeing the horse and buggy's along the road. We saw one on Monday night in the dark on the way to the hotel. Very neat.

The lighting inside the train was so neat. Below are some photo's I took of the countryside during the ride.

Ok, the ceiling of the train was pretty neat. I loved those teal lights. There was a lavatory and coal burning stove for heat - that they use in the winter! We did not need it as it was in the mid 90's with feels like well over 100... and we had the 10AM ride!

The boy was a happy camper!

Emily refused photo's, so the conductor got a photo of Aidan and me with the train.

Emily and I had a last paddle on the lake in the kayaks on Sunday night. The sunset was beautiful.

Currently, Vermont is flooding again with the remnants of the hurricane. I hope we left the boat tied well with enough slack. Barre is flooding again. I just hope the lake in Elmore does not rise too much as no one is out there from our family right now. My sister in Marshfield said there is a bridge that had to be replaced from last years flooding, now has water rushing over it again and is impassable. I hope it survives the storm.

 It is trash night here.... so I got to clear out the crispers and cheese areas of the fridge and toss things that had been there the whole time we were gone! Sigh. Things got a wipe down and clean out. Then I got to go get some veggies, milk and creamer and bread. I have no clue what he ate while we were gone... but I'm guessing no veggies. 
The yard is also overgrown. We had a good 10 inches of rain while we were gone and things went crazy. Some weeds were pulled by me and Aidan so we could get through the front walkway. He'll mow tomorrow and we will cut back and clear out more in the front. 
Bear was so happy to see us.... and went right to Emily! The cats are meowing at me like crazy. I'm sure I'll have two of them stuck to me tonight while I sleep. The chickens are happy, I gave them some seed treats, the 2 romaine lettuces I had asked Greg to give them and then let them free range out back for a bit. Happy ladies. There are lots of eggs in the fridge and on the counter. I see egg meals in my future.


Julierose said...

Looks like you had a great return trip home--happy to hear your Dad is home and on the mend. My DH goes in for his surgery on the 25th...meanwhile his headaches and dizzy spells are getting more frequent. In this heat he really cannot do too much...hoping for the best...
I am searching for a pattern to use some gifted tone-on-tone fabric I recently received. That will keep me busy on these hot, humid days...Stay cool
hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like a good trip and saw a lot of things. Veggies in the fridge sounds familiar. rest up now

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The train ride looks neat! You always come up with great things to do on the way up to and back from Vermont. Hope the camp in Vermont doesn't experience any flooding. Sounds like everyone is happy to have you home again, too. Hubby must miss your cooking!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am so glad that your dad is doing well and I wish your FIL the best as well .It sounds like y'all had a great visit . The train ride sounds amazing. Such lovely photos. I bet it feels good to be home. I wish you a relaxing weekend as you get back into your daily routine. Hugs