Thursday, July 18, 2024

A little progress

 This is where I stopped stitching last night. I was listening to an Audiobook and my phone and ear buds ran out of battery. I guess it was time to head to bed!

If I keep plugging away at this daily, I am hopeful I can finish off the sashing and cornerstones by next weekend. Then I can fix a few of the applique mice and get those blocks quilted. 

Baby boy has arrived for my niece, so I really need to get that quilt pinned and quilted and bound and shipped to Colorado. We will see if I can get that done before I fly up to Vermont next Wednesday.


Julierose said...

Your quilt is looking so nice--love the kitties and the little mice--and all that hand quilting adds so much, Deb. Lovely work...

My DH is off to MD for a final check before surgery on the 25th--fingers crossed that it will go off as scheduled.

It has been just so humid and hot here and I am trying to keep him from working outside in this heat wave as his MD suggested-but he is a doer and hard to keep quiet!!

I tried a new to me block today and so glad I just cut for one, as I won't be making it--takes too long and has too many seam crossings for me...

Hang in there--a few stitches more and you will be done...hugs, Julierose

a good yarn said...

Every bit counts and before you know it, the quilt will be done. Hope mum and Bub are well. Special times when a new baby arrives in the family.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The kitties are looking good! You're getting close on that one. Good luck getting the baby quilt done - you can do it! 😜

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Caught up on your posts, Deb. Amazing that Emily is learning to jump! Do hope Greg's dad is doing okay now. Lovely baby quilt cute. And I like that pattern in the last post too. Hope you all have a good weekend!