Thursday, July 25, 2024

A busy day.

 Wednesday, I got up and walked the dog. Did a couple hours of work. Finished packing and headed to the airport in Orlando. I had a direct flight to Burlington mid afternoon that was very pleasant. My ride (thanks big brother David and Donna) arrived and after dinner at Texas Roadhouse, they delivered me to camp.

Turns out, my dad had some bleeding in his mouth that was taking a bit to stop (30 minutes). It was off and on Tuesday night and when it happened again after 11:30pm, I took them to the ER. Of course it stopped when we got there. They were very busy with only one doctor, so when it happened again in a couple of hours I rang the nurse. They found a solution to get it to stop then observed fir a few hours to make sure it was stable. We got back to camp about 6:40am. Time for bed! 

I woke up about 10:40 this morning and they are both up this morning. One bleed this morning but it stopped quick, so maybe it is better? 

I'd better grab a shower before my brother arrives with my moms medicines. She forgot to grab them yesterday when they were home. She has been a little frazzled. 

Hopefully I can get them back to a schedule and everyone eating again.

So glad I was here. Neither is driving at night anymore so glad I was here to chauffeur.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like it is going to be one thing after another with your parents. I do hope you get to enjoy yourself a little bit and can at least help them through this bit I'm sure they appreciate it

Julierose said...

Scarey, huh? Glad they got it figured out....good thing you were there...

I just got home from taking DH for his surgery--which went fine. He is still in recovery waiting for a room...

[I am suffering from "thrush"; very sore throat, and mouth long did it take you to feel better? Can I ask???]
Hope things go well for your dad's recovery
hugs from one caretaker to another...Julierose

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your poor dad - it's just been one thing after another for him. I bet they're very happy to have you there, and hope the rest of the day has gone better. How's the weather up there? Nice and cool? It's in the 100s here in Colorado - I would love a swim in your lake!

Ray and Jeanne said...

Glad you are there and hope things go quieter tonight.