Monday, July 1, 2024

No stitching yet.....

 Something about a migraine all weekend so I did not head away from camp and see my Dad in the hospital. I do plan to head over today for a little bit. Dad is doing better. Lots of liquids draining and his color is better and his oxygen is better. It is very strange being out at camp without them here. I did take a Covid test, just in case. Negative. I have yet to have one of those pop as positive.

My brother David and his wife Donna came out both Saturday and Sunday. He got the pilot light started on the wall heater and I was right, the starter switch was not working. I just didn't want to remove the panel and manually light it! It kicked right on.... but of course, the weather warmed up a bit by then! They played a few games of Domino's and then a card game they learned on a camping vacation out west. Bung. I can't find it anywhere online, but it is a fun and quick game. We might have played it both days. The kids really liked it, and Emily was next to my brother....and kept having him loose his chips and be out of the game. She might have enjoyed that a lot! He started calling her the mean girl! 

The game - a deck of standard cards. We used domino pieces and each got 8. Then someone deals out 8 cards to everyone. Going around in a circle, you play one card. If the person next to you plays the same card - Bung and you lose a chip to the center. If the following person also plays that card - the previous person loses 2 chips to the middle. We did get 4 laid in a row twice, which is rare. Guess who was the 3rd one.... yup, me! You continue with rounds going around with different dealers and starters until the last one with a chip left, wins. Once you are out of chips, you are out of the game. Quite a bit of strategy is involved, and it was a lot of fun. 

Emily was working on getting the last 2 chairs built that we kids got them for Fathers Day/61st Anniversary in June. The tools they sent with were awful and she spent a few hours on one chair. David came with power tools on Sunday and they went together quickly.

There was a storm last Sunday that caused flash flooding in parts of Vermont. It washed out the road in a few spots between Montpelier and Elmore. This is the main washout - they had it up and passable within 2 days. It is right near the waterfall walking trail. I wonder how that brook is looking now.... we might have to take a trip over if the gates are open and take a look. It will be pretty muddy though - as we are still getting rain each day.

A calmer lake shot. It has been very windy the whole time we have been here or raining, so no kayaking yet or boat ride. Maybe that will change today? 

I have been using my cat and mouse quilt to keep me warm at night.... but alas, no stitching has happened. I think now that the headache is better,  I can dig in the crafty bag and pull something to work on. (so far so good this morning and I can drink my coffee without it turning my tummy - 2 days without coffee is an unhappy me!) The current temp on the porch is sunny 68 degrees. Very pleasant! 10:30 and still in my jammies. I guess I better get something for breakfast and then grab a shower so I can go see Mom and Dad.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like all is going well for you with the heater now working and the chairs going together. Two days without Coffee!! oh my - you are stronger than I - We will be gone 3 weeks in September and I'm already thinking what to put in the sewing and knitting bags!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Hope the migraine has finally passed - that is no fun on vacation! And some warmer weather would be nice, too - for kayaking and outdoor activities. Games are fun, though - especially learning a new one. Hope your dad is back to normal today!

Julierose said...

Soso sorry to hear about your bout with a migraine--they are horrible--They usually put me to bed in a dark room for a couple days...glad you are feeling better...don't overdo --I know mine tend to bounce back if i use my eyes too much...
Good news that your Dad is getting better and that your heater is now working...hope the rest of your vacation is a good one...
hugs, Julierose

The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry to hear about your migraine and I sure hope your Dad will be able to be released from the hospital soon!