We got a 'cool front' in Florida this weekend. The temps were only around 90 (heat index was under 100 or slightly over I think! No heat warnings for 2 days now.) and the humidity was a lot lower than it normally is. That meant.... those outside chores that have been waiting and waiting got done this weekend. Aidan and I spent a few hours yesterday working on the front of the house and found windows!

Those shrubs (3 layers - what was the model home builder thinking?) were up near the roof for 2 of them and the other was intruding on the walkway. The side area got a little work but needs more. After 3+ hours in the heat we loaded up the truck with one load and got that to the waste recycle area for yard scraps. The rest got pulled to the burn pile. Ok, I left a bunch laying around out front and pulled the last 3 buggy's this morning after walking Bear when it was cooler. Around 10, I headed out back to tackle the bushes by the master bedroom. Again, very overgrown and the crape myrtle needed some trimming as well. Emily came out with me and helped out and then Aidan wandered out.
One truck load was loaded and I took it to the overflowing yard waste area this afternoon before hitting the grocery store. As you can see, there are probably 2-3 more truck loads to take but we are limited to 1 per day.... and honestly it is way too hot for me to do anything at 4PM and they close at 5.
I did get into the pool after yard work yesterday and this afternoon. I remembered to add sunscreen today. I might have picked up some after sun while I was out today as well. I might look a little like a lobster. Lots more work to do, but the house is a little more presentable now. I worked all week last week so I'm taking Thursday and Friday off this week. Painting the front rooms is on my agenda for those days.
While shopping, I needed to figure out meals. I had picked up a butternut squash Friday at the farmers market so I got brussel sprouts and bacon for a Monday night meal for me and Aidan. I was thinking brats and coleslaw and potato salad for dinner... but I picked up a pork loin and asked Emily if she wanted brats or pork schnitzel for dinner tonight. She said 'obviously the one that takes more work' - meaning the schnitzel. I'll roast up some cauliflower to go with it. She and Greg can do those leftovers tomorrow night for dinner since they dislike the yummy Brussel sprout meal. Tuesday will be Brats and coleslaw and roasted sweet potato. I think a sheet pan meal on Wednesday - Chicken, red potato and green beans and then a baked fish Thursday - salmon for them and cod for me. There, now I don't need to think too much, and I have everything I need except the salmon.
I think I'll make some magic cookie bars (I think I have graham crackers... I know I have butter, sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, walnuts and coconut.). Then relax with a movie and some hand work.
A label for the baby quilt and attaching it so I can get that into the mail Monday or Tuesday. I gave it a wash a few days ago and have the book all set to go. I love this book and her shower asked to gift a book for the baby's library. I hope Owen loves this one as much as my kids did.

Then maybe some hand quilting into the cat and mice quilt? We will see.
So nice to be able to get "outside" with lower humidity for you guys!! We are having a little break this morning--last night's rainstorm washed a lot of that wildfire smoke out of our air so it at least feels fresher this morning.
What brand Brats do you guys like best? DH wants brats and peppers and onions this week sometime...I have never had them in USA only in Germany on our trip there many yrs ago...
Hugs, Julierose
I bet the grass and shrubs grow like crazy in your environment! A dip in the pool would feel great after yard work, that's for sure. I love that you're sending a favorite kids book along with the quilt. That looks like a cute one!
that is a lot of shrubbery!! I bet your house will seem much brighter now. Bet you are glad the kids help
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