I had done the Rocky Glen block yesterday but the paws were not going the same way as in the picture. I started to rip it out last night... and decided I'd just redo it. I cut the itty bitty squares (14 each at 1.3/8) so that I can redo this block. If it still doesn't come out correct.... I'm going to leave it as is.

Then I pulled fabrics for the next 3 Midget blocks so I'll be set for the next few weeks before printing out some more.

I also grabbed the pink strips I had cut when finishing the borders of the pink quilt and cut them into 2.5 inch strips and 2 inch strips. One set is put together in a pile to be sewn into the binding for the quilt and the other was cut up into 2 inch squares for the basket of colorful squares for next years L&E quilt.

Then.... I remembered it is getting to the end of the month and I have not done the quilt square along block from Jo's Country Junction. We have an extension this month as she is away at a retreat this weekend. The reveal will be April 4.. my niece's 17th birthday. I really need to make her card today and get that in the mail. These are the squares needed to make the pattern for this month - Small Quilt #4 from Lori Smith - Quilt Squares #1 pattern.

How much do you think the kids will let me sew today? I got the two Midget blocks done yesterday and got the final bit of the 5 yards of garden dirt placed into the new garden beds - two 8x8 beds for the veggie garden and then some dirt on the side of the shed for the herb garden and then the remainder of the pile placed by the fence in the back yard so the kids and I can plant some sunflowers and maybe some cutting flowers. Now we need to adjust to gardening in the south... lots different from gardening in the north! Oh, the kids loved to play in the dirt over the last few days..... why we have so many toys when a pile of dirt kept them entertained for hours over the span of this week..... Think I can convince them to rake the remaining soil into the bare spots on the lawn so I can put some grass seed down? It would be fun... really!
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