It is getting to the end of the month so I had to get started on these birds in the air blocks for the pink rainbow challenge. Having company come back Friday.... I had to get this cutting done today. I was also able to actually sew these 12 blocks together too! I guess having 2 kids with fevers I'm letting the tv limit slide a bit today. The medicine finally kicked in and they are starting to act more like themselves now.
I also had cut extra strips while making the scrappy borders for the pink top, so I can cut the extra 4.5 strips into a 2.5 and a 2 inch strip. One for the binding and one for the 2 inch square drawer for the next years L&E colorful quilt. I really like that I am making progress on my rainbow scrap challenge this year and am prepping projects for the future as well.
I should also do some quick seam sewing of the two backings so that maybe I can pin the green and pink quilts while my parents are here this weekend sometime. That will get them ready for quilting and I can just use a day when Grandma daycare is in play at her house - drop the kids and drive the 40 minutes home and sew for a few hours and get some things done next month. I can see myself out on the porch at night (since is it rerun time soon on tv) and hand sewing the bindings on while enjoying the nighttime noises and watching my solar lights in the back yard. I may need to move my little waterfall out to the porch so I can listen to the water while I sew.
Your blocks look great! You always seem to get so much done.
Great progress on the pink birds in the air. They look great. Hope everyone is on the mend soon. Saving TV as a treat always helps when emergencies arise.
Such a pretty pink quilt. Your nighttime noises with waterfall sounds and solar lights seem most inviting.
Very pretty pink blocks and you got so many done! I think 40 miles is definitely worth the drive so you can get some Love Grandma daycare - so worth the 40 minute drive!
More great scrappy blocks!
I can just picture that relaxing scene on your porch :)
Love your pink birds! They look like they would sing as they fly!
These are such lovely blocks, can't wait to see your finished quilt.
Love the idea of being able to stitch on the porch.. maybe without the sound of the water fall...although it is a very relaxing sound, our neighbours'(both sides) water features always makes me want to keep visiting the little girls room, a little too relaxing maybe ;))
The pink BITAs look great - I think your RSC quilt is going to be amazing! Your porch sewing sounds like a much better alternative to sitting in front of the TV!
Pretty pink blocks, and the picture you paint of sitting on the porch is so vivid I can feel it and hear it, can't wait until it warms up here in Calgary so I can sit on the deck.
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