September 11. A time to remember the events of 20 years ago when the planes were sent into buildings and many people perished. I miss the day after - when the country came together and was united. Very different from the current climate in the USA.
I am also missing a wedding reception today - my niece was married a year ago tomorrow in Colorado as a change of plans from the original wedding in Vermont. They went ahead with the reception weekend a year later and hopefully will enjoy their even this afternoon. All my family will be there except us. So sad to be missing it.... but with school, pandemic, and health issues in the household it was the right decision for us to not go. We will be thinking of them all. Both kids were sick with head colds this week and missed a few days of school. Much better now, thank goodness although they are both still going through kleenex like crazy!
I am getting a slow start to orange. I did prep my Hexagons and have stitched up 9 - although 8 are shown. Linking up with the RSC on Saturday.
I also need to make 4 more blocks and then cut and piece the setting to enlarge this quilt for Aidan. I think tonight I'll be pulling the seam ripper out and will be taking off the binding in preparation of making progress on this for him. I am extending it with a couple of rows so it should be long enough for him. Kim Diehl pattern of Twilight Hopscotch.

I was lucky enough to see the wild turkeys on my walk last night. I counted 10 in 2 groups. I had not seen them in a while so it was a nice sighting.
The puff pancake is almost ready to come out of the oven and then a quick shower before I take the girl off to horses. New meds for hubby so I am the sole driver in the house for a bit.
Fun bits of ORANGE, Deb! Here's hoping you have something prepped to do at horses today. Best of luck with the boy's quilt enhancement!
Fun to see all the turkeys! We love getting sightings of them once in awhile around here. I'm sorry you're missing the wedding reception. We're seeing my niece get married on Zoom tomorrow night - that will be a first for me! Pretty oranges in your hexies!
head colds? were they tested for covid? There are lasting neurological effects from it in all age categories. Aren't you in Florida... where the governor tried to mandate not wearing masks? Oy
we are having trouble in colorado because so many people refuse to be vaccinated in republican centers, so thank you for being responsible and not flying here if there is any chance of spreading the disease.
We are not over this crisis.
zoom is made for this kind of situation, so that one can maintain some contact and stay safer.
it is a sad day of remembrance - like many of the much older generation could never forget how they heard about Pearl Harbor in 1941 we will never forget 9/11 - I happened to be watching the Today Show and saw it happening and have the tv on for the 48 hours it seemed - one can never forget the images.
Hope the kids feel better soon and Greg will adjust to new medication
How fun to see wild turkeys so close by. They are big birds, are they aggressive at all?
Your orange hexies are great! Those growing boys! Good for you, making his quilt “taller” too! “Smile”. We took a little road trip today! No turkeys or deer or antelope! Wrong time of day, they will be out later this evening! It’s fun to see them though, isn’t it.
Beautiful hexies!
It is a difficult time to have children. We had head colds over the last week too, and we did get tested. No COVID, “just” a cold, but I’m tired already of trying to decide if we need to get tested for every illness.
Glad to hear your children merely had summer colds and nothing more serious. That had to be a relief. I think I'll whip up a Dutch Baby for breakfast this morning. Your orange hexies look great!
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