I had planned to start quilting on the Frosty's... but I ended up not getting any quilting in this week after finishing up hubby's repairs and then doing some seam repairs on my Celtic Solstice quilt from 2013 (finished it in 2015 and it is used a lot in my house being one of hubbys favorites). I took a few days off from stitching and enjoyed watching hockey games this week. The Florida Panthers are fun to watch and it will be interesting to see who they end up playing in the Stanley Cup Finals.
When the F1 race started this morning, I grabbed the Bear Paw quilt, since it was marked and might have had a needle with thread left in it all ready to go! Note to self, either mark the Frosty quilt for the cross hatch, or find some masking tape to use and place by the quilt!

My Mom used to make baked beans a lot growing up (Saturday night hot dogs and beans) and now she is requested to make them for certain events as people love her beans. We don't have the soldier beans available in Florida, so I tried using Navy beans which are a much smaller bean. It smelled right, and tastes right, but the bean size is just not what I am used to. Sigh, I guess I will have to bring some home with me when I am up in Vermont next month. That, or order them online. My Mom uses the recipe on the back of the bag of the Maine Soldier Beans, but adds the high amount of molasses and omits the onion. The sugar is brown sugar. Oh so yummy. I also got my bean pot down to cook them in rather than the big pot my Mom always uses to make hers. When I pulled it out of the oven last night to check it Aidan asked 'What is that?' I said,' A bean pot'. His response "is that really a thing?' Ayup, bean pots exist! The stoneware did a great job cooking it and it is glazed so I can use dish soap to clean it up after. I got this back in the early 90's and I admit, it might only be the 4th time using it.
Time to go get some groceries and then I think I'm going to play in my sewing room today with a little pool time later this afternoon. Enjoy your Sunday. Linking up with
Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers.
Well, I have to admit, I've never heard of soldier beans, but your homemade baked beans sound delicious! You definitely should bring some home from Vermont. That feather in your quilting looks lovely. Happy stitching today!
[Oh Verstoppen again???!!! ]
Anyway--got some late morning sewing in here to relieve the fact that Alonso didn't get there!!
Very nice quilting on Frosty--enjoy the rest of this lovely weekend...
hugs, Julierose
Oh! That quilt is so pretty and happy! You are certainly one talented lady!
What do you use to mark your quilts? I vacillate between Clover’s waterproof blue marker that I currently use and buying a friction pen.
Did not know about bean pots. Grandma did used to use a favorite clay pot to maker her mole (a Mexican sauce) in and it was delicious!
Happy stitching and cooking!
The quilting on your Bear Paw quilt is lovely. Nice to have a few pretties on the go to decide on which to enjoy some stitching. I must admit I have never heard of soldier beans.
Your quilting looks very nice, lots of hours already represented in that photo.
I've never heard of soldier beans, either! We eat a lot of refried beans in burritos and accompanying tacos or enchiladas.
I just made baked beans today in the Instant Pot - I have always used navy beans and had to look up soldier beans I didn't know what you were talking about :) I like them in the instant pot for the main cooking but when it comes time to simmer them I dump them in another pot on the stove top as my instant pot doesn't simmer well it has one temperature and it appears to be high - I've had it for some time now maybe a newer model is different.
Love those feathers and the beans look so good! Hope you had a good Memorial Day - and enjoying the week! Hugs
So nice to see the bear paw quilt getting some stitches! Love feather designs!
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