Monday, May 13, 2024


 I did a little in the sewing room last week but not as much as I hoped. I did pick fabrics for the Arkansas Traveller blocks. I got one pink one almost done before I had to head to horses on Thursday. I never made it back into the sewing area! 

It seems to take the longest time to pick the fabrics! I picked these for the next two pinks. I got 4 sets of the yellow. I need to cut some more of the background parts for the last 5 and then I can stitch them up hopefully this Thursday.

This pretty rose is in bloom out back.

Thursday was my annual checkup after riding. Since I still have a bit of my cold I asked and she said I still have thrush, so got some meds for that. I don't know if it was that or something I was exposed to at the doctors office, but Saturday I woke up not well, and proceeded to go back to bed and slept all day long. I felt a bit better Sunday and was able to eat a bit but took it easy. I guess all the running caught up to me?
Bear was so happy to get his walk this morning.
Hopefully I can resume my normal schedule..... last 2 weeks of school for the kids.



I sure hope you get to feeling better soon--was nice you could just nap and chill over the week end--
I thought I was done with the 'sinus' issues--but got really hoarse again this morning--so--something is still out there--grrrr!!!
Pretty pink fabrics--
hugs, di

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your pink AT block is a pretty one, and so is that rose! Sorry to hear you've continued to be under the weather, though. Hope this week is better!

Ray and Jeanne said...

I'm glad you are some better. Hopefully you'll be feeling MUCH better soon. I do like your Arkansas Traveller block. ~Jeanne

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry you haven't been feeling well. Sometimes you think you are over something and you aren't. Love your AT blocks

Julierose said...

Love that rose color--those blocks are really pretty.
Gosh, hope this med clears you up--can't be fun feeling so tired and under the weather all the time with your busy schedule!!
Best wishes;))) Hugs, Julierose