Saturday, May 18, 2024

RSC Arkansas Traveller blocks all caught up!

 I managed to finish off the pink and yellow AT blocks this afternoon. Well, technically I still have some parts for a 4th yellow, but I forgot I had a pink started and only cut out 4 of the 5 background parts needed. 

This morning the girl had horses (89 degrees, feels like 100 and was muggy) and it was bareback riding day. Both girls managed to walk, trot and canter after lots of fussing and 'I'm going to fall off'. Neither fell. This is Henry the barn cat. He is a feral cat that has been fixed and lives on the barn property. He kept an eye on the girls. After their lesson, they went out to the grassy fields and he followed them as they were wandering around both areas.  

Tonight is the band banquet. I need to pop out and grab some cookies for the pot luck dinner. Tomorrow is a picnic for the end of year GEMS girl scout planning committee. I will make some sugar cookies for that one, which means time to check the butter for softness and get that dough made so it can chill. Worst case, I'll buy cookies for that one as well! 
I'll link up to the RSC and hopefully will be able to visit some links later tonight.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a great collection of blocks, Deb! Pretty in every color. Have fun at these end of the year events - summer's almost here!

a good yarn said...

Those Arkansas Traveller blocks look so good. Glad the girls had fun on the horses. Sugar cookies sound delicious.


Those blocks are growing--glad the girl had fun at the horses today--even in the heat--
I was basting a quilt this afternoon and had my back to the window and I heard this 'sound' and at first didn't know what it was--and then it hit me--it was actual rain hitting my window--yea--some rain--finally--2 nice storms so far--and there is even actual puddles in the parking lot, next door!!!
hugs, di

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

with being 89 I would probably buy the cookies. Great AT blocks!!