Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Stormy day

 Another stormy day for us. Lots of rain, but we have not had any for a long while, so it is a good thing.

I managed to finish one AT block and almost done another. I need to unpick the final seam and try it again for a better shot at a middle join.

This one is good.
This one is not!

The kids both got invited to their end of year academic awards ceremony last night. Both got recognized (with a whole slew of other kids!) for 4.0 or higher GPA non weighted. Emily got her academic letter and Aidan got a pin to add to the one he got last year. They clean up pretty nice! Notice how much taller he is than her with that blue sign! We stopped at Cracker barrel for dinner on the way home.

The blueberry place is opening tomorrow for one last day of picking and I think I'll go and get a few more. We have been eating them fresh and I am almost out from the last picking. They are going in my overnight oats for breakfast.



Julierose said...

Congrats to Emily and Aidan--that is great:))))
I love how your blocks are coming together...that must be a difficult joining
spot with all that coming together...
Hugs, Julierose

Ray and Jeanne said...

Congrats to the kiddos. Enjoy those blueberries!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

congrats to the kids. That block I must admit gave me fits at times!!


I am glad someone got rain out of these storms--here it just got dark a couple times--we did get alittle bit at lunch time--but that is all--
I am tryin to decide on another Missouri quilts order tonight--they sent me a coupon for $15 off $60 for my birthday and they do have a couple things on a nice sale--soooo????? Some is good basis fabric and one is a nice colorful layer cake in mostly my colors--but--do I really need more fabric (no)!!!!
hugs, di


Opps--forgot to say what a proud momma you must be--Congrats to the kiddo's--bet they are ready for summer vacation though!!
enjoy the berry picking--hugs, di

Astrid said...

Pretty pink blocks. They do look a bit tricky to make and middle seams can be a pita sometimes. Congratulations to the kids! Wonderful! Rain and windy is predicted here for today.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty pinks in your AT blocks! They do look challenging to put together, though. Way to go, Aidan and Emily! Sounds like they both had a great year.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Joining seams like that can be so challenging. But what pretty blocks. Big congrats to your beautiful they are growing up, Deb!

scraphappy said...

End of the year awards is a sure sign that summer is coming soon. The kids are both getting so tall! Lovely blocks as well :)