Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 I pulled out the cats again and got this pretty one done last night. The finger does not hurt at all today, so that is good news. Other good news is Aidan and I watched the first 2 periods of the Oilers hockey game last night. He has been rooting for the Oilers the last year or 2 and was so happy to see them advance to the next round. 

The age old question of what is for dinner? Emily was 'bored' in her last period class yesterday and kept blowing up my phone with recipe links! She did not like when I mentioned it sounded like she was in charge of dinners this summer! 

Last night was Veggie Lo Mein - listed under my recipe tab at the bottom of the page.
Tonight - Aidan has asked if we had Carnita meat in the freezer last week. Nope, I was out so I picked a pork shoulder up on sale yesterday and it is in the crock pot today for dinner tonight. Recipe link is on the Recipe tab page.



Love the cat quilt--
meals--oh my--I should not have to worry about lunches as I pay $5 a day for one--soon to be $7--yet this week--only Monday and Thursday can I eat lunch--we won't talk about the other 5 days of menus--and Thursday is an alternative lunch---!!!!!
So I got some fresh salmon, gr beef and a rot chicken for the week!! Now if Emily would like to come and cook it all up for me that would be nice??!!!!
hugs, diane

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a pretty blue cat! It's good to have a team to root for in the playoffs. Both our Avs and Nuggets are out now. The veggie lo mein sounds yummy! I'll have to try that one.

Julierose said...

Love the kitty quilting, Deb--So pretty with all that texture...
We had a mid-week roast chicken dinner for a treat today...so neat...got the pre-cooked bird at Big Y--they are so good!! And easy!!
Hugs, Julierose