Sunday, August 25, 2024

Slow Sunday

 Yesterday I drew the pattern for Melissa's Hearts pattern for January onto some fabric. The free pattern is found here. Today will be the day to give it a start. Threads are picked but I am debating tracing over it a little darker? We will see how well I can see the lines when I start stitching it tonight. I did this one with pencil but the March one with my green marking pen. I will plan to use some crayons on it to shade things in after I am done stitching it. It will be a new technique for me.

Friday after running errands, I popped a headache which had me 'resting' in bed with this guy for the afternoon. I did watch a few YouTube videos from Kathy and others with counted cross stitch. Peanut was ok with it, as long as it did not disturb his nap on me.

Saturday was much better (well, Friday night actually and I did the girl pick up from the football game at 10:45 - they ran late and got trounced but the band had fun!)
Saturday, was horses after a couple of weeks off while the trainer went to visit her kids in Boston. Emily was happy to be back in the barn and on a horse, despite Doc acting like a brat. She got a workout with him but by the end he was behaving again.

Emily and Kyra after turning out their horses to the pasture. Yes, both are soaked after hosing down the horses. Seems the hose was spraying so Kyra got soaked. They fixed it a bit before Emily hosed down Doc, but then she handed the hose to Kyra and she got her! It was very hot and humid out, so I don't think either girl minded!

While away, the boys did a run to get rid of another truck load of brush, then got some fire starter and Aidan took care of the heap in the back yard. Much better now! He also mowed the lawn and finally edged the driveway.... in the rain. Silly boy. It does look a lot better though. He is off to Grandma's today.

I think this is the first stitching I have done on this quilt since before I left for Vermont! It is time to get this one moving and done! I have other things I want to hand quilt. I got a few mice and this spool block stitched while watching F1 this morning. The 'boys' were on the couch. Greg and Aidan on each side in their recliners, with a dog spread out between them on a pile of quilts with his belly exposed for belly rubs. No spoiled animals in this house =)

Sometime this week, I'll open this package of chop sticks and get out the glue gun and make some wands for the Harry Potter event. We do different designs with hot glue, and then hand them back for someone else to spray them with various colors. Everyone at the event gets a wand and we are all out!

I think today will be a cleaning day and change over to fall. I need a mood boost and my fall things always make me smile. 

Linking up with Kathy and the other slow Sunday Stitchers.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I hope you got a chance for some slow stitching and possibly fall decorating today, too. I am ready for fall temperatures, but not done with summer yet, if that makes any sense. Your girl must be getting very experienced as a rider if she can handle that misbehaving horse!

Jenny said...

How nice that your cat is giving you Get Well vibes to help chase that headache away.