Have you heard of this little fellow? We got him back in 2012 I believe. He arrives at our house the Friday after Thanksgiving and the kids look forward to him every year. This is a little Santa's helper elf who arrives and keeps an extra eye on the kids this month and is there for them to whisper their Christmas wish to the elf - our's is named Chili - who then passes it along to Santa. He fly's to the north pole each evening and then fly's back to the house. Santa picks him up on Christmas eve as he places the presents under the tree.
Some elves are very creative.... our's just likes to find different spots in the house to hang out! It is so fun to watch the kids each morning search the house to see where Chili landed.... and then the smile with a sparkle in their eye as they find him. Priceless!
This is where he landed today - on top of the hutch in the dining room. |
I guess he likes this wall hanging! |
This was yesterdays landing spot. Looking at the Christmas tree in the living room. |
what a cute idea - I had a elf ornament on the tree each year but I change his place - your idea is neat
So fun for the kids to look for him every morning!
You are a good mom!!
Cute...I don't think these were around when my kids were little. I can see that the little elf would cause lots of smiles and maybe even some good behaviour.
My kids insisted on one this year and they love looking for him every morning.
Love this cute elf who magically appears all over the place...hugs, Julierose
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