Sunday, August 20, 2023

Frosty's in Summer

Three of the Frosty's are cross hatched. I did have some issues with spritzing them out. Little bits of the blue kept coming back! I just keep spritzing them and hope they stop reappearing. Despite that... I marked another set of 3 but I don't think they will be left in nearly as long as the others. Worst case, this is for me and will be hanging on a wall and it really is not noticeable from a little bit away from the quilt. I do notice the blue threads from the embroidery behind the fabric. Note to self, twine it around the back better so they don't show through the next time I do this. It is all a learning experience, so all is good. 

This is the one I will be working on today.

First, a few girls are coming over to finish off the work on their lending library for their silver award. They have to finish it off before the end of next month. 
Then Grandma is coming over later to go out to her requested restaurant for her 80th birthday dinner. She is not a sweets person... but does love her salty treats. We might have gotten 80 bags of plain lays potato chips - the snack size version, which Emily was tasked with wrapping. I suggested an empty big rubbermaid container. She got busy with small boxes, duct tape and wrapping paper. Grandma is going to need scissors to open that gift. Don't worry, this is totally something she would have done to us!



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

happy birthday to grandma - I love potato chips too!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a funny gift for Grandma! It's my mom's birthday tomorrow - I'm not very creative, so just getting her flowers. :) The Frosties look great! Hope the blue marking pencil stays gone eventually.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Birthday to your dear grandma. What a fun gift for Grandma. I bet it will be a hoot to watch her open it. Deb, your Frosties look amazing. It is such a joy to see your progress. I so appreciate you stitching this little guy. Have a fabulous and fun filled day. Hugs.

Karrin Hurd said...

Frosties look wonderful! Funny gift for Grandma!

Julierose said...

[N>B>:I am your Grandma's age--yikers!! :000 ]

I do love your Frosty's a lot--i have heard that a lot of people have trouble with re-appearing frixions after a while...I've never tried it so I don't know--but maybe on YT or on a fellow blogger's site there may be a "fix"
Have fun at the party... hugs, Julierose


I have used the blue markers and use a purple one now usually fades on it's own--but I have discovered a trick--I spray or wet the spot and then blot the spot with a paper towel until the color is gone--the towel seems to help--I have also used one of those 'color catchers' sheets to blot the spot--maybe this will help some--I can even use the 'blotting' trick if I forget and iron the marker spot!!!
Frosty is coming along!!!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Gma will love her birthday treats! Frosty’s are wonderful—-hope they help to keep you cool on a hot day!!

Jenny said...

Lovely blue Frosties! Happy 80th Birthday to Grandma, what a great gift, 80 bags of her favourite salty treats. That should last her a while.