Thursday, November 16, 2023

Hand piecing on Harmony

 I had a morning virtual meeting with the whole company I work for on Wednesday. Camera off, so I decided to do some hand stitching. These 4 blocks got the big white rectangle added to the top and then the white rectangle with the HST got added to the other side. 

Then I marked these parts and got 2 of the 8 blocks like this made. I have 8 flying geese blocks to make as well and then I can assemble the parts into the completed block. Might I be able to finish this block by the end of the month? We shall see.

 I planned to make 4 of these blocks for a 57x57 quilt top. Most of the parts are cut out for the next 2 blocks, so if I plug away at them maybe I'll eventually get them all stitched up and completed!

Emily and I are heading to a girl scout planning meeting tonight with a pot luck. That pot luck part had Emily all set to go despite there not being a separate GEMS meeting. We will see what is on tap for next year and what needs to be done to prepare for the events. 
Greg has been doing lots of driving over to his Dad's house and it will be that way for a couple of weeks. He was released home this week but is not very steady on his feet. Lots of people scheduled to pop in and check on him - nurse, pt, ot and we are working on getting a cleaning crew in there.  A local Church group does meals, like meals on wheels and they will start next week so that is another person checking on him. We will see how it goes. The kids have 2 days of school left before a week off for Thanksgiving break. I have them scheduled for bloodwork and dentist cleanings next week.  Never a dull moment at my house. 
The lowest price of frozen turkeys here is 69 cents a pound at Publix. I'm waiting one day to see if maybe they will get lower with the new flyer out tomorrow. Only 6 or 7 of us so we don't need a lot. It sounds like Tom does not want to come over, so I guess after my MIL and Papa Andy head home on Thanksgiving, we'll head over with some prepared plates for Tom.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Love your version of Harmony with the reds and golds! So glad to see you've gotten it out again. Glad there is lots of support to help your FiL live at home again, and hope it all goes smoothly for him and Greg, too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so nice you can hand stitch off camera!!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I just read your recent posts, Deb. I so enjoy hearing about the family and all the goings on. Sounds like the FIL has lots of help which is wonderful. Beautiful fabrics here too. Hope the pot luck turned out well. Paw print cookies are so cute.