Sunday, July 14, 2024

Slow Sunday Stitching

 The house is quiet. Everyone is sleeping but me. The dog has been walked and the chickens have been checked and fed some treats. Blueberry muffins are baking in the oven. I was able to add some stitches into the cat and mouse quilt.

It is a good thing I have seconds of some things. I guess I forgot a baggie of things up at the camp in Vermont. Good thing I am headed up in a couple of weeks for a quick visit with Mom and Dad. They are both doing great now he is back home. 

The cats have been oh so happy to have us home. Peanut is always on top of me, the needy little guy. Ollie just likes to be close.

Emily was so happy to go to the barn and ride a horse yesterday. It appears the trainer found out Boomer likes to jump! I mentioned Emily had an interest in it and had tried it a few times before. She set up a pole on the ground and he does like to trot over it! She setup half on a bucket for height and he was a happy horse. Emily did really well with him and the little jumps. 

I planned fajita's for dinner last night. I had gone and got steak and chicken and found a recipe online here. Right as I was thinking of starting some rice, Greg walked into the living room and asked if I could drive to rehab with him. It appears they did not give us the 3 day warning and his Dad was released as of 10AM and we finally got a call saying he was waiting for a ride! Yup - there will be a phone call on Monday asking what the heck happened. We got him settled in at home. My goodness, we set up his pills based on his release documents. Last time he was home for 2 days before kidney pain landed him in the ER/hospital. He was very unsteady on his feet. I am thinking this is not going to end well. We are hoping for the best and I'll check on him today.
When we got home, the kids had made the chicken recipe for Fajitas and there was just a little bit left and Greg grabbed that. I cooked up the steak and had that with some quick microwave rice and avocado. So much for the leftovers I was thinking there would be for my lunch salads! I guess the kids like this meal now.

I'll be spending time at the machine today working on a baby quilt. Dinosaurs are calling. 
Linking up with the Slow Sunday Stitchers.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it sounds like a never ending battle with health care for Greg's dad - I hope he doesn't end up back in the hospital again - they should know by now that he lives by himself and should go to rehab first. Sometimes you must just wonder where there heads are

Amy said...

those quiet mornings - love, love, love.
Awww, what a beautiful horse; not sure if I'm more happy for Boomer to jump or Emily to have the opportunity to ride him.
Your days sounds like a perfect lovely Sunday -- hoping your day with the baby quilt was productive.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I wish the best for your FIL, Deb.It is good that he has you all to check on take care of him. The photo of Emily is so darling.I had to smile when she said she was interested in Boomer who is a jumper . It sounds like she has a lot of patience and love for horses. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs.

CathieJ said...

So glad you had a little time for stitching. You were busy in the morning. It is so frustrating when rehab doesn't give you the courtesy of a few days warning before a patient's release. I had the happen at least once with my mom.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Sounds like you're getting back into a routine at home, little by little. I'm sorry about Greg's dad - that type of thing is hard to know how to handle. Great that your kids can take care of themselves when you're called away unexpectedly like that, though. Hope you got some stitching in today - slow or fast!

Jenny said...

What a busy start to your Sunday morning, animals cared for, a little stitching done, and blueberry muffins in the oven. Sadly as parents age health issues get more serious. Is seems that you do your best and get ready for the next crisis.