I was playing catch up this month with my Arkansas Traveller blocks. I added 3 each of teal, blue and orange and then laid them out in a diagonal setting. I need one more to round it out. If I did my calculations correctly, with the setting triangles it will be around 68 inches square.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Friday, September 27, 2024
All good here
Got some good winds but no damage at my place and only an inch of rain. Still need to check on my in-laws places today.
I hope all in the path are ok - looks like it moved through Georgia and is hitting the Carolina's.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Table Scrap Challenge for September
I had plans and ideas. Alas, it is Thursday before the link up and none of those ideas materialized. I pivoted, and saw this scrap of leaf print on the shelf. My potholders are falling apart so I need some new ones. I remember I got a package of oven mitt batting in the Christmas Box from Missouri Quilt Company last December. I guess making some potholders while waiting on a hurricane it is!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Hurricane Helene....
Well, it would not be September without a hurricane in Florida. We are inland in SW Ocala, so other than a rain storm with some good winds..... not too much to worry about for my area. They just announced the schools are closed on Thursday and Friday is TBD. They do have a half day on Wednesday that was already on the books, so get out at 1PM for my kids. The latest is that we will start feeling the rain and winds Thursday afternoon to evening. It really depends on where it tracks. We are prepped for emergencies, so not too concerned. I'll fill up containers with water tomorrow afternoon and if it looks dicey, I'll make a carafe of coffee Thursday night. I do have a Coleman camp stove and little propane tanks though, so I could easily boil water for the French press if we lose power =). You know, priorities..... must have coffee in the morning! Here is a Florida map of the counties. I'm in the blue Marion county in the north center of the state (south west area). My FIL is in Lake county and my MIL is in Citrus county.

My FIL is doing better but is still in the hospital. They are just waiting for a bed to open up at the rehab facility. Greg pulled things inside at his house today. If it tracks to the east more... we'll go shut his hurricane shutters, but he is inland as well.
A little progress has been made on the mice. I got another one completed and the spacer done as well.

Sunday, September 22, 2024
I'll be spending time today with jack the ripper. On Friday, I made 5 more potato chip blocks and added them to the top I had made since it wanted to be bigger. I hear I need to make another 17 blocks for it to be happy! Somehow I flipped the way it was oriented, so the middles look the same rather than staggered for this row. Oops! It will get unpicked while watching the F1 race this morning.
She rode Doc again yesterday and did a good job with him. The pink around the eye is some ointment to keep the fly's away. The fly's were horrible there yesterday. She had just finished a good canter and was waiting for her riding buddy to do her workout.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
RSC - Arkansas Traveller Blocks
I just finished sewing the 3 orange blocks this afternoon and decided to lay them out. With this diagonal layout - I need one more block. There are currently 24 blocks - 3 blocks per month for 8 months of color. I think I'll add one more in either purple or green to finish it off. White setting triangles and then it should be about 68x68. It might get a border or two to make it a wee bit bigger. Maybe a 2 and a 4 inch border to frame it?
Saturday, September 14, 2024
RSC catching up....
I know the RSC is darks this month.... but I got a wee bit behind on my blocks so I'm doing catch up this week.
I was good with my Arkansas Traveller blocks until May. June blue, July aqua and August orange need to get made. I spent time on Thursday picking fabrics for the blue and aqua blocks and got them cut this afternoon. I got the aqua blocks sewn up and figured I'd take some photo's and make a post. I plan to continue sewing after this and get the 3 blue blocks sewn up.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
It feels like not much has gotten done this week! Emily was sick last week and missed a couple of days of school. She slept a lot but is on the mend this week. She was kind and shared her germs with me and I slept a bunch Sunday and rested on Monday rather than logging into work. I did get hand quilting done, so more mice have been stitched. Two sides are done. I have 7 mice and 1.5 spools to stitch before I get to the 3 borders. The white border is 2 straight lines, the light teal is a triangle of cheese with a stitched line and the outer blue is butterfly's with a loopy line. I have 3 sides to do for the borders.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
RSC on the dark side
I spent the week finishing things so not too much for the RSC. I got the Christmas Cactus Wreath quilt finished this week. It is 60x60.
Then I pulled the Ella Mara Deacon rows from a Sentimental Stitches sew along years ago. I hand pieced or appliqued these blocks from my stash. They were machine sewn into a top though.
Friday, September 6, 2024
Ella is a top!
I finally finished getting the hand pieced Ella Maria Deacon blocks into a top. I only made 25 of these with Sentimental Stitches years ago and put 24 into this top. Note to self, think before doing this again - those setting corner triangles were a bear to figure out. I might have cut 4 different size squares to make them. Oh well, extra parts and pieces will get used somewhere.
I did not lay it out nicely, as I was trying to snap the photo quickly before the dog held it down for me. It is 60 inches square now. I am debating on adding a border, and then either hand quilting or machine quilting it. It will have a blue binding, so that might be enough and my wall hanging mount is for a 60 inch quilt ... so it might stay like this.
Emily made it through the day at school yesterday and did her Florida State testing in her last class. She promptly went to bed after walking in the door and woke up around 10PM. Went back to bed at midnight and was tired when she woke up at 7AM. We told her to stay home, so she went back to bed. She should be back to normal for Monday school with resting this weekend. She said she felt better, just tired and her nose is still stuffed. We will see if horses happens or not!
I went to an information meeting with Aidan last night for a program offered in our county to students to work with UF and NASA on some engineering things. It is 12 Saturday's through the year with field trips to UF and Kennedy Space Center. Some of his friends did it last year and he is joining in this year. It sounds like an interesting program with lots of networking and exploring different fields for college. I think he will enjoy it, so he is all signed up. He will just miss one week when he does the Junior class trip for Civil Rights Movement. They travel through the south and visit key areas and hit a few college campuses along the way.
I've been listing a few things for sale and have managed to get a few things out of my house! The stand up popcorn maker, Emily's desk and an Accuquilt Go!Me starter bundle. Next up is listing the Futon and a few pieces of other furniture.... the whittling down of 'stuff' is happening.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
A finish - Christmas Cactus Wreath
I finished the binding on this last night. It is dark and dreary out again this morning, so I hung it up in my office for a photo. This is 60x60 and was actually a fun one to stitch. It feels so good to get something finished and crossed off the long UFO list.
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Summer 2024 list......
Since I am finally close to a finish - Christmas Cactus Wreath - it was time to look at the UFO list and see what appeals.
I saw a quilt I gifted my nephew for his wedding back in 2015 pop up on my memories on Facebook.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Christmas Cactus Wreath progress.....

Sunday, September 1, 2024
Slow Sunday? Why yes, it will be!
I am a little sleep deprived today... but not as much as the girl! Friday night she had a home Football game (marching band) and it ran late so she was a 10:50 PM pick up. We got home at 11:15. At least the roads are clear at that time of the night and no traffic. She got home and threw her band shorts and shirt into the wash.... since she had to be at school for 9AM for an optional HOT day with the band in Tampa. They went to see the University of South Florida play in the Raymond James Stadium and got to play with their band and perform on the field with them for 2 songs at half time! She had a great time. They opted to stay for the whole game, so the busses arrived back to the school at 1:20AM. She had to grab something out of her locker, but they were dismissed from the busses, so we were out of there by 1:35. I don't expect to see her until much later this afternoon. She is exhausted and so happy to have Monday off. 48 kids from the band and 10 adults attended the game from our school.
I've actually done some hand work this week! I started some more QAYG hexagons to make my quilt just a wee bit bigger. I put it on my bed and it is a little small. Thank goodness it will be easy to add to it as I want to make it bigger. I did groups of 4 colors when I made it, so I'll keep with that pattern. I started with orange and then have yellow and pink prepped as well. I'll cut some more out today and get them ready to stitch in little bits of time this week.