Saturday, September 7, 2024

RSC on the dark side

 I spent the week finishing things so not too much for the RSC. I got the Christmas Cactus Wreath quilt finished this week. It is 60x60.

Then I pulled the Ella Mara Deacon rows from a Sentimental Stitches sew along years ago. I hand pieced or appliqued these blocks from my stash. They were machine sewn into a top though. 

I did get all the prepped hexagon quilt as you go blocks stitched and into pairs. I also prepped 4 grey ones. I have more of the clips freed up, so I can prep some more blocks to work on this coming week. I had 'finished' my hexagon quilt a few years ago, but it needs to be bigger and with this method, it is easy to do that. This will be an ongoing RSC project going forward to make the quilt a bit bigger. It is 88x68 right now. Linking up with the RSC.

Hubby gets cocoa beans each month and does the whole process (grinding, melting, etc.). They tend to 'bloom' on him - turn a greyish after they come to room temp. He got a new spoon with a thermometer in it and this batch turned out great! They are the wrapped ones. So he remelted the last batch and the bar on top is from that batch. I think that new tool is the key. He is a happy camper. These are dark chocolate bars with hints of various things based on the beans. It is different every month. I let him and the kids eat those... I'm not a dark chocolate fan. Emily did use some in cookies last weekend and they were very good. I did eat those!

I'm spending the day at a girl scout training event. Learning about being a mentor for the younger awards  - bronze and silver. Those are for the junior and cadette level of girls. The Gold is for the high school level girls. 


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I never thought of making chocolate from straight from the beans - a bit of work isn't it - I will get it by the bag I love dark chocolate


wow--hadn't really known anyone who made their own chocolate bars!! I cheat and buy the Ghirardelli 86% dark chocolate!!! I only eat dark chocolate--got hooked on it nearly 30 years ago--so now I really really don't like milk chocolate!!! find the dark chocolate satisfies my sweet tooth much faster than milk chocolate so I don't eat as many sweets!!
hugs, di

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh my goodness - he makes his own chocolate bars? - wowie! I love dark chocolate - may have to hop on a plane and come for a visit. Your hexie quilt is such a pretty fun bunch of color. Making it bigger is only going to make it better!

a good yarn said...

Catching up on your posts is such a treat. Lots of lovely projects happening.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Thank you for the link back sharing the method you use to create your bordered hexies. I'm on the look out for what to make for my 2025 RSC quilt. You have inspired me. Now if only I had a bar or ten of your husband's dark chocolate to keep my enthusiasm and energy humming.

Chantal said...

Congrats on getting quilts finished or moved forward. I am getting a soft spot for your hexi quilt. How big are the inner hexi?
I didn't know people did their own chocolate bar. That must be so much better than store bought. I would live on chocolate alone if I were to make my own, lol. Enjoy! ;^)

Chantal said...

P.S. Sorry, I missed the part where you give the link. I'll go and check that out. Thanks for sharing. ;^)