Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Summer 2024 list......

 Since I am finally close to a finish - Christmas Cactus Wreath - it was time to look at the UFO list and see what appeals.

I saw a quilt I gifted my nephew for his wedding back in 2015 pop up on my memories on Facebook.

 I loved those bird in the air blocks so much, I made another batch with the RSC Challenge. They are sitting in a drawer. I got them out and counted them. 98. Maybe I am missing a couple for a 10x10 setting?  Each block is 6 inches finished, so for a 90x90 size, I would need 225 (15x15). I guess these are going back on the RSC list for next year.

Emily had marching band practice after school. She requested water to be brought for her pick up. Seems she had a bit of a sore throat this morning. Was sneezing and blowing her nose and her eyes looked sick to me. Seems a bunch of the band was out and 2 section leaders were out. I'm guessing a wave of sickness went through the band with all the closeness and lack of sleep last Thursday (practice until 6), Friday - game until 10:45 and Saturday for those that went 9AM-1:30AM Sunday.
I went out and got throat numbing lozenges, a couple of covid tests and some chicken noodle soup. Good news, the test came back negative but I think she will be home from school tomorrow.


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Birds in the Air quilt! I think that was from back when I first discovered the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and your quilt really appealed to me. You should definitely make another one!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I hope Emily feels much better tomorrow. It is that time of the year when "the bug" seems to be going around . Chicken noodle soup can do wonders. Your blocks look amazing. It is wonderful that this is going to be in the works for the RSC challenge. I look forward to following your progress. Hugs.

Julierose said...

Birds in the Air is such a beautiful quilt!! I love the vintage look of that block a lot. Sorry that Emily is sick--that usually is the old "Back to school" syndrome that my kids always got, too. hope she feels better soon and doesn't have to miss too much. It's always tough to catch up...
Great choice for your RSC next year hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

school starts and kids immediately get sick! hope it won't last long and that you don't all get it.

a good yarn said...

That’s a terrific quilt and on my want to make list. So you need 225 six inch blocks for a 90 x 90. That’s a lot. Might make mine smaller. Hope Emily feels better soon.

Ray and Jeanne said...

Hoping Emily feels better soon and doesn't share her sniffles. I do love your Birds in the Air quilt. ~Jeanne