Saturday, September 14, 2024

RSC catching up....

 I know the RSC is darks this month.... but I got a wee bit behind on my blocks so I'm doing catch up this week.

I was good with my Arkansas Traveller blocks until May. June blue, July aqua and August orange need to get made. I spent time on Thursday picking fabrics for the blue and aqua blocks and got them cut this afternoon. I got the aqua blocks sewn up and figured I'd take some photo's and make a post. I plan to continue sewing after this and get the 3 blue blocks sewn up. 

There might have been some unpicking.... how these got turned I'll never know. I was chain piecing them and everything! Sigh.

The three blue sets are ready to be sewn as soon as I post this.

The three aqua blocks to add to the container. Linking up with the RSC.

The blues!

For the non sewing part...
The dog was outside the bedroom door at 7:30 this morning whining for his morning walk. I am unhappy with the weather person who said the last hurricane was going to pull dry air down to Florida. Yup, that has NOT happened! It is still soupy and hot. I am dripping after my walk in the morning. I had some bacon in the fridge so after I made a cup of coffee, I laid them out on the pan and baked them at 375 for 18 minutes. It was the thick bacon and turned out great. I cooked up an egg to go with that... and the rest of the pan of bacon disappeared throughout the morning as people woke up! 
I had gathered these two eggs last night.

After the F1 qualifying this morning, I took Emily to horses where the girls got their barn 'therapy' time. There is a new barn kitten and they spent a bunch of time with her before finally getting their horses ready. They finally got on around 11:30 for their 11 lesson! They had a good lesson with some obstacles, cones and poles they got to trot and canter through. The donkeys were out in one section and were very friendly. The girls walked the horses around the field obstacle course for another 20 minutes while the next person was tacking up. Then they hosed off the horses and gave everyone carrots and turned them out into the pasture. We finally left a little before 1.  

Look at that face!
We picked up Zaxbys for lunch on the way home and then I really wanted to go look at a house in the neighborhood as it was an open house this weekend. I have been looking at houses and photo's and floor plans online, but I wanted to walk through and get the feel. It was nice, but I'm sure it will be sold soon. No extra room for a sewing/office area that I would need.  We are waiting on the county to make an offer on our property as it is needed to expand a road. We will see how long it takes them and what is on the market when that happens.  Until then, I'm going to head on back and get some more sewing in this evening as I listen to an audio book. 


a good yarn said...

Those Arkansas blocks look great. It easy enough to mix them up and sew them the wrong way round. Ask me how I know. *chuckle*.

Sara said...

The Arkansas Traveler blocks are winners. Getting caught up with any color needed always feels good.


You were busy getting caught up on those Traveler blocks--looks good--And I want to know when it is going to cool off--I need to open my window more to 'air' out this apartment????-
LOve the horse and donkey 'lesson'--hi Emily!!
and give Bear a hug for me--love those eggs--
hugs, di

Sue said...

Love those Arkansas Travelers in blue. Congrats on the catching up progress!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Too funny! We were nosy neighbors last weekend, visiting an Open House just down the block. Nice job on your catch-up work, Deb!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful blocks! I'm getting caught up on some RSC projects this month too. Love the photo of the donkey!