Friday, September 6, 2024

Ella is a top!

I finally finished getting the hand pieced Ella Maria Deacon blocks into a top. I only made 25 of these with Sentimental Stitches years ago and put 24 into this top. Note to self, think before doing this again - those setting corner triangles were a bear to figure out. I might have cut 4 different size squares to make them. Oh well, extra parts and pieces will get used somewhere.

I did not lay it out nicely, as I was trying to snap the photo quickly before the dog held it down for me. It is 60 inches square now. I am debating on adding a border, and then either hand quilting or machine quilting it. It will have a blue binding, so that might be enough and my wall hanging mount is for a 60 inch quilt ... so it might stay like this. 

Emily made it through the day at school yesterday and did her Florida State testing in her last class. She promptly went to bed after walking in the door and woke up around 10PM. Went back to bed at midnight and was tired when she woke up at 7AM. We told her to stay home, so she went back to bed. She should be back to normal for Monday school with resting this weekend. She said she felt better, just tired and her nose is still stuffed. We will see if horses happens or not!

I went to an information meeting with Aidan last night for a program offered in our county to students to work with UF and NASA on some engineering things. It is 12 Saturday's through the year with field trips to UF and Kennedy Space Center. Some of his friends did it last year and he is joining in this year. It sounds like an interesting program with lots of networking and exploring different fields for college. I think he will enjoy it, so he is all signed up. He will just miss one week when he does the Junior class trip for Civil Rights Movement. They travel through the south and visit key areas and hit a few college campuses along the way.

I've been listing a few things for sale and have managed to get a few things out of my house! The stand up popcorn maker, Emily's desk and an Accuquilt Go!Me starter bundle. Next up is listing the Futon and a few pieces of other furniture.... the whittling down of 'stuff' is happening.


Julierose said...

What a lovely flimsy you've finished!! Beautiful hand work...
Happy it's just a cold for Emily and not Covid (we are getting our shots tomorrow).
WOW what a great program for Aidan!! Great opportunity to really see what working at NASA would be like;)))
Hope your weekend is a good one.
Hugs, Julierose

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your quilt looks amazing, Deb. Lots of intricate blocks as well. Beautiful job. It is so wonderful to heart that Aidan is participating in the program. I hope he enjoys it. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Ooh, that's gorgeous! I love blue and white quilts, and you made lots of great blocks. Looks like lots of them were hand stitched. Glad Emily made it through Thursday, and Aidan's program sounds fascinating! So many neat opportunities for your kids!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

when do you think the county or whatever is in charge will be making an offer on your house to make way for the road was it? or some other construction? The quilt looks great