Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Officially Winter Break!

The kids were out of school at 2PM yesterday and are off for the next 2 weeks for Winter Break. I coordinated my Fitbit challenge that day (Solo challenge of 15K steps instead of my normal goal of 10K) with my plans to bring the kids to the trails after school. I figured if I could get them out for a 30 minute hike on the trails near our house I would be happy. They were having so much fun we were out there for an hour in the 82 degree weather and they decided they wanted to go hiking every day and explore new trails! The good news - I hit my 15K step goal yesterday. The foot is still feeling great Mom!

We opted to take the old trails that wind through the woods - Called Nailys Trail.

The kids were pointing out neat trees and Aidan thought this rock looked like a frog. Silly kids. They selected the photo ops.

They have been making some changes to the trails and have paved a former working road through the woods for walking/biking/roller blading from 6 miles up near our Walmart all the way to our trail head on 49th Ave and it looks like it heads over to the bridge over I75 as well to the other trail head on the other side of the highway. That will be a good one to bring the kids and their bikes for a bike ride sometime this weekend with Dad.

I do wonder which trails they will choose for today!


Ray and Jeanne said...

I hope you all have a great winter break and enjoy being outside. Merry Christmas to all of you! ~Jeanne

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

nice to have trails close by and to get the kids out and enjoy walking

Kate said...

Great that you've been able to get out, get the kids out, and get your steps in. Hope you are able to get the bikes out over the weekend for a family ride.

canuckquilter said...

Enjoy winter break and all the hiking/bike riding the kids are up for! The deep freeze arrived here tonight (but with no pretty white stuff to make it more palatable) so the dog will have to work extra hard to guilt me into walks this week!