I sure do hope today is a lot slower than yesterday! I felt like I was running in the car all day long. At least there were lots of animal petting involved in my travels. Today, Greg took Emily to school to feed the chapter animals. I took her yesterday afternoon. They don't have the heifer that she will show yet, but they picked up the chapter pig Friday and have the chapter lamb already. The school is housing a few other animals for the kids, but they are responsible for caring for them, so she just had to feed, water and exercise the lamb and the black pig.
This one was so darn cute.... for a goat!
Chapter pig - so she cleaned his stall and fed him. There is an auto waterer for them.
Exercising Stetson the lamb.
The goat and lamb enclosure.
We started off the morning with a lot of time at the barn. Lots of staff was at Nationals in Oklahoma so there was just 2 staff juggling everything with a couple of call outs. Having to wait an extra 30 minutes on the lesson meant they got extra riding time in the arena! This is Mack - or Marshmallow is his barn name. It appears he really only likes Emily riding him =). She got lots of walking, trotting and a few canters in.

After finishing up the animal duties at school I dropped Emily to a friend's house for an evening of movie watching. That let me finally get into the sewing room where this fellow thought he needed attention. Yes, I managed to quilt that last quarter of this crossed canoe with Peanut on it behind the sewing machine! I relented and didn't move him to get it trimmed and make and attach the binding last night. I'll do that this morning. It is 36x54.
I hope to be adding some binding stitches to this later tonight. We will see if it is after a pick up at Grandma's or not. Emily is staying home as she might meet up with a friend who is up from Miami this weekend. The boy was sneezing and blowing all day yesterday so we will see if he is up to visiting Grandma today. He thinks it is allergies. I have yet to hear him.... we was in his room sneezing and blowing his nose by this time yesterday so maybe he got some sleep?
A little progress was made on the Bear Paw this week. I am debating on how to quilt the inner paw - 3 straight lines or a rounded paw pad? Until I decide I'll continue outlining the outer paw triangles and the inner sashing areas.
Linking up with Kathy and the other Slow Stitchers.
Your Saturday was definitely full of animals! That looks like a neat experience for Emily and other kids in her program. Hope your boy is feeling okay today, and that you get a little slow stitching in, too!
You have been busy there! I love how Crossed Canoes looks--so pretty...
Hoping Aidan is okay..hugs, Julierose
Some days are filled with necessary activities that take us away from the sewing room. This is especially true if you live on a farm! Animals come first! That bear paw block is gorgeous! I'm always smitten by blue and white!
Some days are much busier than others. I like the quiet days best. Your quilts are very pretty.
Great projects, I love the bear paw blue and white blocks! Happy stitching!
So many sweet animals to enjoy!
Great job on quilting the crossed canoes... it will soon be a finish! Enjoy your quilting!
your days are sure full of your children's activities aren't they - but better then them sitting around on electronics all day!!
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