Well, the storm has gone through overnight and left lots of rain. I thought it was completely through, but then it just started raining again outside. Thank goodness the soil is sand here in Florida, and everything sinks in pretty well.
Everyone is still sleeping, and I do love the quiet of the house in the morning before everyone is awake. I did go check on Mushu - the bearded dragon we are watching for a week while his owner is on a cruise with her family. He was awake so I turned on his lights and gave him some romaine lettuce. He is a baby and about 12 inches long. He will double in size I believe.
Emily can add the live crickets once she wakes up. The dog is in with her, still sleeping.
Saturday we had an earlier horses lesson to get in before the rain started. Their lesson got pushed back a bit, but they started out in dry weather but ended up with some drizzle. The girls didn't seem to mind too much as they all were happy to be riding horses! Emily got to try the new one in the barn, Cowgirl. We think she needs a new name and tried a few out. She pricked her ears at Queenie, so we will see what happens the next time we see her after Christmas.

It was a day in the kitchen for me after popping to Aldi to pick up some veggies. We were plum out of fresh veggies, and I wanted some russet potatoes to pop in the oven with the prime rib. Yes, I got another one and cooked it up yesterday. I pulled it out of the oven at 117 F and after resting it was at 131F. Perfect eating temp. I now have another 5 slices in the freezer and a rack of bones for making beef barley soup. There are a few slices in the fridge as well. I kinda got a big one since they were 6.99 a pound at Publix last week, and Emily decided she likes to pull them when she dislikes what I make for dinner.
Turns out the girl really likes this as well. Sigh, I guess she is my kid liking everything I do! I'll bake off the cookies today and will make another kind as well. I'm bringing some to scouts Monday for a pot luck, and since the storm went through, I'll take the kids over to see their Grandpa Tom today and drop off some cookies to him as well.
Greg's back was better Friday with the shot at the ER on Thursday but was worse yesterday. I guess it wore off. Not sure how it is today. He put his back out on Wednesday and is in a world of hurt.
I'm watching the Polar Express and plan to pick up my hand quilting project and add some stitches this morning.
Are there Christmas shows you watch every year? I know I have a DVD of the standard kids Christmas shows somewhere in the house. I plan to find it so I can watch them this week - Charlie brown, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, etc.
I normally get some gingerbread house kits for the kids to decorate. I got 2 this year and Emily opened hers last week and got the house built. It has not been decorated yet. I noticed Aidan got his out yesterday and built and decorated his. I didn't think he would, based on the comments when I brought them home a couple of weeks ago!
the gingerbread house looks great. I wondered if the storm got you, they talked about it on the news of course. Emily looks like a beautiful young girl!
There are so many fun festive things to do this time of year! Your toffee looks yummy. I bet the gingerbread house kits are fun - I've never done one of those. Hope Greg's back gets better - I know that can be a lifelong issue as my dad had back problems from his 30s on. Have a great Sunday!
I think that storm is on the way here to us; expected 50-60 mph winds and heavy rains through Monday!! Of course I have an early morning appointment which leads me over the Saybrook Bridge--hopefully it won't get closed by jack knifing trucks or some such thing...I don't like driving over high bridges in the best of weather;000 Fingers crossed....
Sounds like you've been really busy baking for the holidays. Other than Tom's obs. event and my son testing positive for Covid, it's been pretty quiet here this year. [Both guys are getting better, thankfully]
Hoping Greg can find a solution for that awful back pain...Sending healing thoughts....
hugs, Julierose
I love saltine toffee. Sadly, I am the only one so I don't make it as I can't afford the calories. I think that horse looks like a Cowgirl with her coloring, but Queenie would be a good name too. I like your quilting too. I love to watch White Christmas and The Santa Clause. I never miss Rudolph either. I haven't assembled a gingerbread house kit in a while even though I have bought them. Maybe next year.
Do hope Greg's (hubby?)back has improved, there is nothing worse than a bad back. The gingerbread houses look nice, though I've never seen them for sale down here. Are they edible, or just for show?
Love how Aiden still made the gingerbread house - and he did a nice job too! Yesterday our 3 'local' grandsons were here to bake and decorate cookies. I love that time but won't be surprised if at some point, the boys will say 'no more'. ~Jeanne
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