Thursday, April 6, 2023

Thursday wrap up.

Emily headed to the doctor on Tuesday, since she had intense ear pain starting around 8 PM Monday night. Yup - double ear infection! She said it was hurting since Friday. She is on antibiotics, and it has not eased the ear pain yet. We are hoping for tomorrow. She has been back to school since Wednesday. Not a great way to usher in age 14 tomorrow (Friday). At least she is feeling better despite the ear pain.

How she has gone from this photo - just shy of age 2.....

to this photo earlier this year! Wow. Not sure where the time has gone.

I had an eye appointment today. No dilation since they did it last year. No real change in my vision. My doctor said I have young eyes! Reading glasses if I want are the 1's from the drug store. I am getting new sunglasses, since mine got a crack in one of the lenses in October and I do use those daily to see in the sun down here. Those are a slight script for distance. I think those glasses are 4-5 years old! Crimeny on the price! I don't have eye insurance in my plan and boy are glasses expensive... or I have expensive taste. Oh well, if they last as long as the last pair, I'll be happy.

A stop at Joanns for some wide backing fabric for Garden Path. A stop at PetCo for cat litter and treats for the dog. I did get a little time to sew after I made a blueberry tea bread. I made my purple scrap jar block with a 16 patch block from last year.

 I also cut out the parts needed for 2 more of the light material. I might just stitch up the black one and the brown one this month as well. A shot of the 4 so far this year. I really like the half square triangle in corners. I think with a white sashing and colorful cornerstone it is going to look really neat!

Two of the dogs toys got surgery as well. The moose needed about 4 holes patched up and the sloth lost an arm! (I decided to keep it amputated and just stitched up the arm hole.) Bear won that pulling match with Aidan, who somehow just ended up with the sloths tiny arm in his hand! I hear the next time the tiger needs surgery - I am to add stuffing to the body as someone likes taking the stuffing out once he finds a hole! Silly dog.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like when Em got sick a post or two ago it was the beginning of the infection, hope the meds kick in soon.
Glasses can be very expensive - I got a new pair a couple weeks ago and they didn't seem right I had to bring them back and tell them to redo them, they checked them and said yes the prescription didn't seem quite right - I hope to get them back soon and they are right this time.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Look at you, jumping ahead of me in the PURPLE Scrap Jar Star production, Deb!! Emily has really grown and matured in the last 6 months, hasn't she? Hope you had a very happy birthday, Em!