Well, we had quite the storm blow through last night! I think we had an hour of heavy rain, constant lightning and wind. That big blob of red was nearly through when I snapped this photo of my weather app.
My 'castle' with a moat! the water was in the gully there covering the dip in the driveway and nearly up to the tree which is a way's in on the lawn. We had a good amount of rain - I'd guess 4-5 inches at least but that is just a guess. It was all soaked in by morning. Looks like we are under the same watch for storms again tonight. Lets hope they wait until we are home from Emily's spring concert at school.I had plans to work on my ABC table scraps challenge today. Alas.... I have spent many hours waiting in various waiting rooms today. I did get a walk with the dog this morning after dropping the boy to school early for his Cambridge testing this morning. Then a quick shower before heading to the eye doctor to pick up my new prescription sunglasses. They just have a slight script for distance and boy, I did not realize how bad the bubbling was on my old pair (maybe 4 or 5 years old!). Across town and through the car wash after adding air to the tire again. A vacuum and clean up of the inside and home... where the tire air light was on again. Sigh. After a quick check on chickens and playing with the dog and petting the cats.... I headed to Meineke to have them check the tire. A nail! Arrgghh. Iffy on patching and since they were new last fall, they recommended going back to where I got them to see about warranty. They were for a patch, but the placement of the nail did not recommend that route so a new tire it was. They got me right in and got it put on. At that point it was well after 1PM, so I got a quick lunch at Panera Bread to go, and headed home to play a little with the animals. I had about an hour at that point, so I started with my idea for the challenge. Y and N are the letters. I did a search last night for quilt blocks starting with those letters. I came up with a Nosegay of Yo-Yo's! I have never made a yo-yo before, so this is my first attempt. I found some fabrics and cut different size circles.
I got them all scrunched up and they looked like this. I pulled a little scrap of green for a stem and pressed each edge in and hand stitched it down. The next thought was a vase of some kind. I pulled a pink scrap and cut this shape out. I need to applique turn it and attach it still. The flowers are just sitting there, not attached yet. I pulled a yellowish 10x10 inch square to place this on. That's as far as I got, before I had to go pick up the boy from school. Progress.

this weather is something else this week--it's looking really dark out there towards the north right now--and you need to check out my quicky post today with what happened here yesterday!!!
have fun with the sewing--
hugs, di
That does sound like quite a storm! Mike was talking to his sister who lives there and she mentioned it, too. Sounds like your day off got filled right up, but I love your Nosegay of Yo-yos so far! Great start!
Sounds like a fun day, for awhile, until the tire issue!
we are finally getting some rain. Have a great week-end.
Caught up on your latest 2 posts, Deb. Wonderful photo of Emily on Lance and the dog on your quilting hoop. It's a wonder you find the time for quilting at all. It is a busy household there and how wonderful to try your hand at Yo Yo's too. They and the Nosegay look lovely.
wow so much rain! we are to get some tonight - late afternoon early evening yesterday when we were still in Paducah we went to eat and it wasn't raining but I brought in an umbrella when we left I was trying to walk through a packed parking lot in my walking boot and clumping through puddles - my foot was wet and thankfully the boot was dry by this morning - it is open toe so the sock was thoroughly wet as was my foot - more tonight here
What is the pattern name of your husband's quilt that you are quilting on.
Wow!! What a day, Deb! I love the fact that you tried something new-to-you for this month's ABC (Table) SCRAPS Challenge. Successful effort, I would say!
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