I saw this quilt photo from celebrate hand quilting a few years ago. The person was hand quilting it for her sister who found it but did not know the pattern. I have searched and searched and can't figure it out. I was thinking this would be a great way to try and use up those 3-4 bins of scraps.... (ok, I know it will not even make a dent in it but humor me!)....
What to do..... I grabbed a poster board and marked the 12.5 inch square from one of my rulers. Searched in some quilting books and found a nice size kite from the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler book - page 89 I believe. Drew 4 of them and placed them in the middle looking at the photo. I figure the colored ones are really the 'center' of the block. Popped one in the corner.... yup, looks right so far. Did a little calculation and marked some dots to draw the lines for the colored slip of fabrics - the red checked and green print. Then extended the lines for the shape between that and the middle kite. Hey - they match! I must have done something right!
Now I just need a reminder that I have lots of quilts in progress, a slew more ready for machine or hand quilting and I really don't need another project right now. =)
Well..... maybe when I finish attaching the sashing to the hand quilt along quilt.... I 'might' reward myself with making one of these blocks... just to see how it goes.....
This will need a name.... I am terrible at names. Oh my stars, circling the stars, ring around the rosie...... I kinda like the last one as the movement in the pattern kind of reminds me of that nursery rhyme. I think that is what I will call this.... 'Ring Around the Rosie'. Now.... to cut the rest of the sashing for hand piecing.....
that is a pretty pattern, I have seen it but I do not know where
What a sweet quilt that will be!!
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